Source code for hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery

# select = map, groupBy = itertools.groupby
from collections import deque
from itertools import zip_longest
from math import inf
from types import GeneratorType

from import iter_with_last
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.constants import NOT_SPECIFIED

[docs]class DuplicitValueExc(Exception): """ Exception which means that there are multiple items which this query selected but it should return only one """
[docs]class NoValueExc(Exception): """ Exception which means that query did not selected any item """
[docs]def single(iterable, fn): """ Get value from iterable where fn(item) and check if there is not fn(other item) :raise DuplicitValueExc: when there are multiple items satisfying fn() :raise NoValueExc: when no value satisfying fn(item) found """ found = False ret = None for i in iterable: if fn(i): if found: raise DuplicitValueExc(i) found = True ret = i if not found: raise NoValueExc() return ret
[docs]def arr_any(iterable, fn): """ :return: True if fn(item) for any item else False """ for item in iterable: if fn(item): return True return False
[docs]def arr_all(iterable, fn): """ :return: True if fn(item) for all items in interable or iterable is empty else False """ for item in iterable: if not fn(item): return False return True
[docs]def take(iterrable, howMay): """ :return: generator of first n items from iterrable """ assert howMay >= 0 if not howMay: return last = howMay - 1 for i, item in enumerate(iterrable): yield item if i == last: return
[docs]def where(iterable, fn): """ :return: generator of items from iterable where fn(item) """ for i in iterable: if fn(i): yield i
[docs]def groupedby(collection, fn): """ same like itertools.groupby :note: This function does not needs initial sorting like itertools.groupby :attention: Order of pairs is not deterministic. """ d = {} for item in collection: k = fn(item) try: arr = d[k] except KeyError: arr = [] d[k] = arr arr.append(item) yield from d.items()
[docs]def flatten(iterables, level=inf): """ Flatten nested lists, tuples, generators and maps :param level: maximum depth of flattening """ if level >= 0 and isinstance(iterables, (list, tuple, GeneratorType, map, zip, set, deque)): level -= 1 for i in iterables: yield from flatten(i, level=level) else: yield iterables
[docs]def grouper(n, iterable, padvalue=None): """grouper(3, 'abcdefg', 'x') --> ('a','b','c'), ('d','e','f'), ('g','x','x') """ return zip_longest(*[iter(iterable)] * n, fillvalue=padvalue)
[docs]def areSetsIntersets(setA, setB): """ Check if intersection of sets is not empty """ return any(x in setA for x in setB)
[docs]def balanced_reduce(arr, opFn): while len(arr) > 1: nextArr = [] for a, b in grouper(2, arr, NOT_SPECIFIED): if b is NOT_SPECIFIED: # if number of items was odd we have 1 leftover nextArr.append(a) else: nextArr.append(opFn(a, b)) arr = nextArr return arr[0]