Source code for hwt.code

from operator import and_, or_, xor, add
from typing import Union

from hwt.code_utils import _mkOp, _intfToSig
from hwt.hdl.operatorDefs import concatFn
from hwt.hdl.statements.codeBlockContainer import HdlStmCodeBlockContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.ifContainter import IfContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.statement import HwtSyntaxError
from hwt.hdl.statements.switchContainer import SwitchContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.utils.listOfHdlStatements import ListOfHdlStatement
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.enum import HEnum
from hwt.hdl.types.typeCast import toHVal
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue
from hwt.math import log2ceil
from hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery import arr_any
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases import InterfaceBase
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.signalUtils.walkers import \

[docs]class CodeBlock(HdlStmCodeBlockContainer): """ Cointainer for list of statements """
[docs] def __init__(self, *statements): super(CodeBlock, self).__init__() self._register_stements(statements, self.statements) self.rank = sum(map(lambda s: s.rank, statements)) if self._outputs: ctx = self._get_rtl_context() ctx.statements.add(self)
[docs]class If(IfContainer): """ If statement generator """
[docs] def __init__(self, cond, *statements): """ :param cond: condition in if statement :param statements: list of statements which should be active if condition is met """ cond_sig = _intfToSig(cond) if not isinstance(cond_sig, RtlSignalBase): raise HwtSyntaxError("Condition is not signal, it is not certain" " if this is an error or desire ", cond_sig) assert cond_sig._dtype.bit_length() == 1, cond_sig super(If, self).__init__(cond_sig) self.rank = 1 self._inputs.append(cond_sig) cond_sig.endpoints.append(self) ev_dep = arr_any(discoverEventDependency(cond_sig), lambda x: True) self._event_dependent_from_branch = 0 if ev_dep else None self._register_stements(statements, self.ifTrue) self._get_rtl_context().statements.add(self)
[docs] def Elif(self, cond, *statements): assert self.parentStm is None self.rank += 1 cond_sig = _intfToSig(cond) assert cond_sig._dtype.bit_length() == 1, cond_sig ev_dep = arr_any(discoverEventDependency(cond_sig), lambda x: True) self._event_dependent_from_branch = len(self.elIfs) + 1 if ev_dep else None self._inputs.append(cond_sig) cond_sig.endpoints.append(self) stms = ListOfHdlStatement() self.elIfs.append((cond_sig, stms)) self._register_stements(statements, stms) return self
[docs] def Else(self, *statements): assert self.parentStm is None if self.ifFalse is not None: raise HwtSyntaxError( "Else on this if-then-else statement was already used") self.rank += 1 self.ifFalse = ListOfHdlStatement() self._register_stements(statements, self.ifFalse) return self
[docs]class Switch(SwitchContainer): """ Switch statement generator """
[docs] def __init__(self, switchOn): switchOn = _intfToSig(switchOn) if not isinstance(switchOn, RtlSignalBase): raise HwtSyntaxError("Select is not signal, it is not certain" " if this is an error or desire") if arr_any(discoverEventDependency(switchOn), lambda x: True): raise HwtSyntaxError("Can not switch on result of event operator") super(Switch, self).__init__(switchOn, []) switchOn.ctx.statements.add(self) self._inputs.append(switchOn) switchOn.endpoints.append(self)
[docs] def add_cases(self, tupesValStms): """ Add multiple case statements from iterable of tuples (caseVal, statements) """ s = self for val, statements in tupesValStms: s = s.Case(val, statements) return s
[docs] def Case(self, caseVal, *statements): "c-like case of switch statement" assert self.parentStm is None caseVal = toHVal(caseVal, self.switchOn._dtype) assert isinstance(caseVal, HValue), caseVal assert caseVal._is_full_valid(), "Cmp with invalid value" assert caseVal not in self._case_value_index, ( "Switch statement already has case for value ", caseVal) self.rank += 1 stms = ListOfHdlStatement() self._case_value_index[caseVal] = len(self.cases) self.cases.append((caseVal, stms)) self._register_stements(statements, stms) return self
[docs] def Default(self, *statements): """c-like default of switch statement """ assert self.parentStm is None self.rank += 1 self.default = ListOfHdlStatement() self._register_stements(statements, self.default) return self
[docs]def SwitchLogic(cases, default=None): """ Generate if tree for cases like (syntax sugar for large generated elifs) ..code-block:: python if cond0: statements0 elif cond1: statements1 else: default :param case: iterable of tuples (condition, statements) :param default: default statements """ assigTop = None hasElse = False for cond, statements in cases: if isinstance(cond, (RtlSignalBase, InterfaceBase)): if assigTop is None: assigTop = If(cond, statements ) else: assigTop = assigTop.Elif(cond, statements) else: if cond: if assigTop is None: assigTop = statements else: assigTop.Else(statements) hasElse = True else: raise HwtSyntaxError("Condition is not a signal, it is not certain" " if this is an error or desire ", cond) if assigTop is None: if default is None: return [] else: return default else: if hasElse: return assigTop elif default is not None: assigTop = assigTop.Else(default) return assigTop
[docs]def In(sigOrVal, iterable): """ HDL convertible "in" operator, check if any of items in "iterable" equals "sigOrVal" """ res = None for i in iterable: i = toHVal(i) if res is None: res = sigOrVal._eq(i) else: res = res | sigOrVal._eq(i) assert res is not None, "argument iterable is empty" return res
[docs]def StaticForEach(parentUnit, items, bodyFn, name=""): """ Generate for loop for static items :param parentUnit: unit where this code should be instantiated :param items: items which this "for" iterating on :param bodyFn: function which fn(item, index) or fn(item) returns (statementList, ack). It's content is performed in every iteration. When ack is high loop will fall to next iteration """ items = list(items) itemsCnt = len(items) if itemsCnt == 0: # if there are no items there is nothing to generate return [] elif itemsCnt == 1: # if there is only one item do not generate counter logic generate return bodyFn(items[0], 0) else: # if there is multiple items we have to generate counter logic index = parentUnit._reg(name + "for_index", Bits(log2ceil(itemsCnt + 1), signed=False), def_val=0) ackSig = parentUnit._sig(name + "for_ack") statementLists = [] for i, (statementList, ack) in [(i, bodyFn(item, i)) for i, item in enumerate(items)]: statementLists.append(statementList + [(ackSig(ack)), ]) If(ackSig, If(index._eq(itemsCnt - 1), index(0) ).Else( index(index + 1) ) ) return Switch(index)\ .add_cases( enumerate(statementLists) ).Default( bodyFn(items[0], 0)[0], ackSig(True) )
[docs]class FsmBuilder(Switch): """ A syntax sugar which automatically construct the state transition switch and state register :ivar ~.stateReg: register with state """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, stateT, stateRegName="st"): """ :param parent: parent unit where fsm should be builded :param stateT: enum type of state :param stateRegName: name of register where sate is stored """ if isinstance(stateT, HEnum): beginVal = stateT.from_py(stateT._allValues[0]) else: beginVal = 0 self.stateReg = parent._reg(stateRegName, stateT, beginVal) Switch.__init__(self, self.stateReg)
[docs] def Trans(self, stateFrom, *condAndNextState): """ :param stateFrom: apply when FSM is in this state :param condAndNextState: tuples (condition, newState), last does not to have condition :attention: transitions has priority, first has the biggest :attention: if stateFrom is None it is evaluated as default """ top = [] last = True for cAndS in reversed(condAndNextState): if last is True: last = False # if this is last trans. it does not have to condition try: condition, newvalue = cAndS except TypeError: top = self.stateReg(cAndS) continue top = [] else: condition, newvalue = cAndS # building decision tree top = \ If(condition, self.stateReg(newvalue) ).Else( top ) if stateFrom is None: return Switch.Default(self, top) else: return Switch.Case(self, stateFrom, top)
[docs] def Default(self, *condAndNextState): d = self.Trans(None, *condAndNextState) d.stateReg = self.stateReg return d
# variadic operator functions And = _mkOp(and_) Add = _mkOp(add) Or = _mkOp(or_) Xor = _mkOp(xor) Concat = _mkOp(concatFn)
[docs]def ror(sig:Union[RtlSignalBase, HValue], howMany: int) -> RtlSignalBase: "Rotate right" if sig._dtype.bit_length() == 1: return sig if isinstance(howMany, int): return sig[howMany:]._concat(sig[:howMany]) elif isinstance(howMany, HValue): return ror(sig, int(howMany)) else: t = howMany._dtype if not isinstance(t, Bits) or t.signed: raise NotImplementedError(t) res = sig for i in range(1, t.domain_size() - 1): res = howMany._eq(i)._ternary(ror(sig, i), res) return res
[docs]def rol(sig:Union[RtlSignalBase, HValue], howMany:Union[RtlSignalBase, int]) -> RtlSignalBase: "Rotate left" if isinstance(howMany, int): width = sig._dtype.bit_length() if width == 1: return sig return sig[(width - howMany):]._concat(sig[:(width - howMany)]) elif isinstance(howMany, HValue): return rol(sig, int(howMany)) else: t = howMany._dtype if not isinstance(t, Bits) or t.signed: raise NotImplementedError(t) res = sig for i in range(1, t.domain_size() - 1): res = howMany._eq(i)._ternary(rol(sig, i), res) return res
[docs]def replicate(n, v): return Concat(*(v for _ in range(n)))