Source code for hwt.constraints

This module contains the objects to store hardware constraints.
Hardware constrains are usually stored in XDC/UCF files and they specify somethings
which can not be described using HDL (SystemVerilog/VHDL) like relation between clock.
Placement of component if FPGA etc.

from copy import copy
from typing import Union, Tuple

from hwt.synthesizer.interface import Interface
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwt.synthesizer.componentPath import ComponentPath

[docs]class iHdlConstrain():
[docs] def _get_parent(self) -> Unit: raise NotImplementedError(self)
[docs] def _copy_with_root_upadate(self, old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def register_on_parent(self): self._get_parent()._constraints.append(self)
[docs]def _get_parent_unit(path: Tuple[Union[Unit, Interface, RtlSignal, iHdlConstrain], ...]) -> Unit: """ Search parent :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance in path """ if isinstance(path, iHdlConstrain): return path._get_parent() for o in reversed(path): if isinstance(o, Unit): return o raise AssertionError("No parent unit in path", path)
[docs]def _get_absolute_path(obj) -> Union[Tuple[Union[Unit, Interface, RtlSignal, iHdlConstrain], ...], None]: """ Get tuple containing a path of objects from top to this object """ if obj is None: return None elif isinstance(obj, iHdlConstrain): return obj return ComponentPath(obj).resolve()
[docs]def _apply_path_update(path: ComponentPath, old_path_prefix: ComponentPath, new_path_prefix: ComponentPath): """ Update prefix of the path tuple """ if isinstance(path, iHdlConstrain): return path._copy_with_root_upadate(old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix) return path.update_prefix(old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix)
[docs]class set_max_delay(iHdlConstrain): """ Object which represents the max_delay constrain * usually used to set propagation time between two clock domains etc. :ivar ~.start: start of the signal path :ivar ~.end: end of the signal path :ivar ~.time_ns: max delay of the specified path in ns """
[docs] def __init__(self, start: Union[Interface, RtlSignal], end: Union[Interface, RtlSignal], time_ns: float, datapath_only=True, ommit_registration=False): self.start = _get_absolute_path(start) self.end = _get_absolute_path(end) self.time_ns = time_ns self.datapath_only = datapath_only if not ommit_registration: self.register_on_parent()
[docs] def _copy_with_root_upadate(self, old_path_prefix: ComponentPath, new_path_prefix: ComponentPath): new_o = copy(self) new_o.start = _apply_path_update( self.start, old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix) new_o.end = _apply_path_update( self.end, old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix) return new_o
[docs] def _get_parent(self) -> Unit: return _get_parent_unit(self.end)
[docs]class set_false_path(iHdlConstrain):
[docs] def __init__(self, start: Union[None, Interface, RtlSignal], end: Union[None, Interface, RtlSignal], ommit_registration=False): self.start = _get_absolute_path(start) self.end = _get_absolute_path(end) if not ommit_registration: self.register_on_parent()
[docs] def _copy_with_root_upadate(self, old_path_prefix: ComponentPath, new_path_prefix: ComponentPath): return set_max_delay._copy_with_root_upadate(self, old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix)
[docs] def _get_parent(self) -> Unit: o = self.start if o is None: o = self.end return _get_parent_unit(o)
[docs]class get_clock_of(iHdlConstrain):
[docs] def __init__(self, obj: Union[Interface, RtlSignal], ommit_registration=False): self.obj = _get_absolute_path(obj)
[docs] def _copy_with_root_upadate(self, old_path_prefix: ComponentPath, new_path_prefix: ComponentPath): new_o = copy(self) new_o.obj = _apply_path_update( self.obj, old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix) return new_o
[docs] def _get_parent(self) -> Unit: return _get_parent_unit(self.obj)
[docs]class set_async_reg(iHdlConstrain): """ Placement constrain which tell that the register should be put as close as possible to it's src/dst It should not be placed on the FF on the src domain, but should be set on FFs (possibly more) on the destination domain. """
[docs] def __init__(self, sig: RtlSignal, ommit_registration=False): self.sig = _get_absolute_path(sig) if not ommit_registration: self.register_on_parent()
[docs] def _copy_with_root_upadate(self, old_path_prefix: ComponentPath, new_path_prefix: ComponentPath): new_o = copy(self) new_o.sig = _apply_path_update( self.sig, old_path_prefix, new_path_prefix) return new_o
[docs] def _get_parent(self) -> Unit: return _get_parent_unit(self.sig)