Source code for hwt.hdl.types.bitValFunctions

from typing import Callable, Union, Optional

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.operator import Operator
from hwt.hdl.operatorDefs import AllOps, OpDefinition
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BOOL
from hwt.hdl.types.typeCast import toHVal
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase
from pyMathBitPrecise.bit_utils import mask
from pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t import bitsCmp__val, bitsBitOp__val, \
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.signalUtils.exceptions import SignalDriverErr

# dictionary which hold information how to change operator after
# operands were swapped
    AllOps.EQ: AllOps.EQ,  # (a == b) == (b == a)
    AllOps.NE: AllOps.NE,  # (a != b) == (b != a)
    AllOps.GT: AllOps.LT,  # (a > b)  == (b < a)
    AllOps.LT: AllOps.GT,  # (a < b)  == (b > a)
    AllOps.GE: AllOps.LE,  # (a >= b) == (b <= a)
    AllOps.LE: AllOps.GE,  # (a <= b) == (b >= a)

[docs]@internal def bitsCmp_detect_useless_cmp(op0, op1, op): v = int(op1) width = op1._dtype.bit_length() if op0._dtype.signed: min_val = -1 if width == 1 else mask(width - 1) - 1 max_val = 0 if width == 1 else mask(width - 1) else: min_val = 0 max_val = mask(width) if v == min_val: # value can not be lower than min_val if op == AllOps.GE: # -> always True return BOOL.from_py(1, 1) elif op == AllOps.LT: # -> always False return BOOL.from_py(0, 1) elif op == AllOps.LE: # convert <= to == to highlight the real function return AllOps.EQ elif v == max_val: # value can not be greater than max_val if op == AllOps.GT: # always False return BOOL.from_py(0, 1) elif op == AllOps.LE: # always True return BOOL.from_py(1, 1) elif op == AllOps.GE: # because value can not be greater than max return AllOps.EQ
[docs]@internal def bitsCmp(self, other, op, selfReduceVal, evalFn=None): """ Apply a generic comparison binary operator :attention: If other is Bool signal convert this to bool (not ideal, due VHDL event operator) :ivar self: operand 0 :ivar other: operand 1 :ivar op: operator used :ivar selfReduceVal: the value which is a result if operands are all same signal (e.g. a==a = 1, b<b=0) :ivar evalFn: override of a python operator function (by default one from "op" is used) """ t = self._dtype other = toHVal(other, t) ot = other._dtype if not isinstance(ot, t.__class__): raise TypeError(ot) if evalFn is None: evalFn = op._evalFn iamVal = isinstance(self, HValue) otherIsVal = isinstance(other, HValue) type_compatible = False if ot == BOOL: self = self._auto_cast(BOOL) type_compatible = True elif t == ot: type_compatible = True # lock type widht/signed to other type with elif not ot.strict_width or not ot.strict_sign: type_compatible = True other = other._auto_cast(t) elif not t.strict_width or not t.strict_sign: type_compatible = True other = other._auto_cast(ot) if iamVal and otherIsVal: if type_compatible: return bitsCmp__val(self, other, evalFn) else: if type_compatible: # try to reduce useless cmp res = None if otherIsVal and other._is_full_valid(): res = bitsCmp_detect_useless_cmp(self, other, op) elif iamVal and self._is_full_valid(): res = bitsCmp_detect_useless_cmp(other, self, CMP_OP_REVERSE[op]) if res is None: pass elif isinstance(res, HValue): return res else: assert res == AllOps.EQ, res op = res if self is other: return selfReduceVal else: return Operator.withRes(op, [self, other], BOOL) elif t.signed != ot.signed: if t.signed is None: self = self._convSign(ot.signed) return bitsCmp(self, other, op, evalFn) elif ot.signed is None: other = other._convSign(t.signed) return bitsCmp(self, other, op, evalFn) elif t.force_vector != ot.force_vector: if t.force_vector: self = self[0] else: other = other[0] return bitsCmp(self, other, op, evalFn) raise TypeError(f"Values of types ({self._dtype}, {other._dtype}) are not comparable")
[docs]@internal def extractNegation(sig: RtlSignalBase): """ :return: tuple(the signal without negation, True if signal was negated) """ try: d = sig.singleDriver() except SignalDriverErr: return (sig, False) if isinstance(d, Operator) and d.operator == AllOps.NOT: return d.operands[0], True return sig, False
[docs]@internal def bitsBitOp(self: Union[RtlSignalBase, HValue], other, op: OpDefinition, getVldFn: Callable[[HValue, HValue], int], reduceValCheckFn: Callable[[RtlSignalBase, HValue], bool], reduceSigCheckFn: Callable[[RtlSignalBase, # op0Original bool, # op0Negated bool # op1Negated ], Union[RtlSignalBase, HValue]]): """ Apply a generic bitwise binary operator :attention: If other is Bool signal, convert this to bool (not ideal, due VHDL event operator) :ivar self: operand 0 :ivar other: operand 1 :ivar op: operator used :ivar getVldFn: function to resolve invalid (X) states :ivar reduceValCheckFn: function to reduce useless operators (partially evaluate the expression if possible) :ivar reduceSigCheckFn: function to reduce useless operators for signals and its negation flags (e.g. a&a = a, a&~a=0, b^b=0) function parameters are in format (op0Original:RtlSignalBase, op0Negated: bool, op1Negated:bool) -> Union[RtlSignalBase, HValue]: returns result signal if reduction is possible else None """ other = toHVal(other, self._dtype) iamVal = isinstance(self, HValue) otherIsVal = isinstance(other, HValue) if iamVal and otherIsVal: other = other._auto_cast(self._dtype) return bitsBitOp__val(self, other, op._evalFn, getVldFn) else: s_t = self._dtype o_t = other._dtype if not isinstance(o_t, s_t.__class__): raise TypeError(o_t) if s_t == o_t: pass elif o_t == BOOL and s_t != BOOL: self = self._auto_cast(BOOL) return op._evalFn(self, other) elif o_t != BOOL and s_t == BOOL: other = other._auto_cast(BOOL) return op._evalFn(self, other) else: if s_t.signed is not o_t.signed and bool(s_t.signed) == bool(o_t.signed): # automatically cast unsigned to vector if s_t.signed == False and o_t.signed is None: self = self._vec() s_t = self._dtype elif s_t.signed is None and o_t.signed == False: other = other._vec() o_t = other._dtype else: raise ValueError("Invalid value for signed flag of type", s_t.signed, o_t.signed, s_t, o_t) if s_t == o_t: # due to previsous cast the type may become the same pass elif s_t.bit_length() == 1 and o_t.bit_length() == 1\ and s_t.signed is o_t.signed \ and s_t.force_vector != o_t.force_vector: # automatically cast to vector with a single item to a single bit if s_t.force_vector: self = self[0] else: other = other[0] else: raise TypeError("Can not apply operator %r (%r, %r)" % (op, self._dtype, other._dtype)) if otherIsVal: r = reduceValCheckFn(self, other) if r is not None: return r elif iamVal: r = reduceValCheckFn(other, self) if r is not None: return r else: _self, _self_n = extractNegation(self) _other, _other_n = extractNegation(other) if _self is _other: return reduceSigCheckFn(self, _self_n, _other_n) return Operator.withRes(op, [self, other], self._dtype)
[docs]@internal def bitsArithOp(self, other, op): other = toHVal(other, self._dtype) if not isinstance(other._dtype, Bits): raise TypeError(other._dtype) self_is_val = isinstance(self, HValue) other_is_val = isinstance(other, HValue) if self_is_val and other_is_val: return bitsArithOp__val(self, other, op._evalFn) else: if self._dtype.signed is None: self = self._unsigned() if other_is_val and other._is_full_valid() and int(other) == 0: return self resT = self._dtype if self_is_val and self._is_full_valid() and int(self) == 0: return other._auto_cast(resT) if isinstance(other._dtype, Bits): t0 = self._dtype t1 = other._dtype if t0.bit_length() != t1.bit_length(): if not t1.strict_width: # resize to type of this other = other._auto_cast(t1) t1 = other._dtype pass elif not t0.strict_width: # resize self to type of result self = self._auto_cast(t0) t0 = self._dtype pass else: raise TypeError("%r %r %r" % (self, op, other)) if t1.signed != resT.signed: other = other._convSign(t0.signed) else: raise TypeError("%r %r %r" % (self, op, other)) o = Operator.withRes(op, [self, other], self._dtype) return o._auto_cast(resT)