Source code for hwt.hdl.types.floatVal

from copy import copy
from decimal import DecimalTuple
import math

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue
from pyMathBitPrecise.floatt import FloattVal
from hwt.hdl.types.typeCast import toHVal
from hwt.hdl.operator import Operator
from hwt.hdl.operatorDefs import AllOps
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BOOL

[docs]class HFloatVal(HValue, FloattVal): """ HValue class for HFloat type """
[docs] @classmethod def from_py(cls, typeObj, val, vld_mask=None): assert vld_mask is None, vld_mask if isinstance(val, int): val = float(val) if float(val) != val: raise NotImplementedError("Need to implement better conversion method") if val is None: sign = 0 exp = 0 man = 0 assert vld_mask is None or vld_mask == 0 vld_mask = 0 elif isinstance(val, float): man, exp = math.frexp(val) man = abs(man) man = int(man * (2 ** typeObj.mantisa_w)) sign = int(val < 0) if vld_mask is None: vld_mask = 1 elif isinstance(val, tuple): sign, man, exp = val if vld_mask is None: vld_mask = 1 else: raise TypeError(val) return cls(typeObj, DecimalTuple(sign, man, exp), vld_mask)
[docs] def _is_full_valid(self): return self.vld_mask == 1
[docs] def to_py(self): """ Convert to python slice object """ return float(self)
[docs] def _eq_val(self, other): assert isinstance(other, HFloatVal) return self.val == other.val
[docs] def _eq(self, other): other = toHVal(other, self._dtype) self_is_val = isinstance(self, HValue) other_is_val = isinstance(self, HValue) if self_is_val and other_is_val: return self._eq__val(other) else: assert self._dtype == other._dtype, (self, self._dtype, other, other._dtype) return Operator.withRes(AllOps.EQ, [self, other], BOOL)
def __copy__(self): v = HValue.__copy__(self) v.val = copy(v.val) return v @internal def __hash__(self): v = self.val return hash((self._dtype, v))