Source code for hwt.serializer.ip_packager

from io import StringIO
import math
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst import HdlValueId
from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._defs import HdlIdDef
from import ToVhdl2008
from hdlConvertorAst.translate.verilog_to_basic_hdl_sim_model.utils import hdl_call
from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BOOL, STR, BIT, INT
from hwt.hdl.types.hdlType import HdlType
from hwt.serializer.store_manager import SaveToFilesFlat
from hwt.serializer.vhdl import Vhdl2008Serializer, ToHdlAstVhdl2008
from hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform import DummyPlatform
from hwt.synthesizer.interface import Interface
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.unitImplHelpers import getSignalName
from hwt.synthesizer.param import Param
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl
from ipCorePackager.intfIpMeta import VALUE_RESOLVE
from ipCorePackager.otherXmlObjs import Value
from ipCorePackager.packager import IpCorePackager

[docs]class ToHdlAstVivadoTclExpr(ToHdlAstVhdl2008): _spirit_decode = HdlValueId("spirit:decode") _id = HdlValueId("id")
[docs] def as_hdl_SignalItem(self, si, declaration=False): assert(declaration == False) if si.hidden: assert si.origin is not None, si return self.as_hdl(si.origin) else: id_ = hdl_call(self._id, [f'MODELPARAM_VALUE.{}']) return hdl_call(self._spirit_decode, [id_])
[docs]class IpPackager(IpCorePackager): """ IP-core packager :summary: Packs HDL, constraint and other files to IP-Core package for distribution and simple integration """
[docs] def __init__(self, topUnit: Unit, name: str=None, extra_files: List[str]=[], serializer_cls=Vhdl2008Serializer, target_platform=DummyPlatform()): """ :param topObj: :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance of top component :param name: optional name of top :param extra_files: list of extra HDL/constrain file names for files which should be distributed in this IP-core (\*.v - verilog, \*.sv,\*.svh -system verilog, \*.vhd - vhdl, \*.xdc - XDC) :param serializer: serializer which specifies target HDL language :param target_platform: specifies properties of target platform, like available resources, vendor, etc. """ if not name: name = topUnit._getDefaultName() super(IpPackager, self).__init__( topUnit, name, extra_files) self.serializer = serializer_cls self.target_platform = target_platform
[docs] @internal def toHdlConversion(self, top, topName: str, saveTo: str) -> List[str]: """ :param top: object which is represenation of design :param topName: name which should be used for ipcore :param saveTo: path of directory where generated files should be stored :return: list of file namens in correct compile order """ ser = self.serializer store = SaveToFilesFlat(ser, saveTo) to_rtl(top, name=topName, store_manager=store, target_platform=self.target_platform) return store.files
[docs] @internal def paramToIpValue(self, idPrefix: str, g: HdlIdDef, resolve) -> Value: val = Value() = idPrefix + if resolve is not VALUE_RESOLVE.NONE: val.resolve = resolve v = g.value t = g.type def getVal(): if v.vld_mask: return v.val else: return 0 def bitString(w): val.format = "bitString" digits = math.ceil(w / 4) val.text = ('0x%0' + str(digits) + 'X') % getVal() val.bitStringLength = str(w) if t == BOOL: val.format = "bool" val.text = str(bool(getVal())).lower() elif t == INT: val.format = "long" val.text = str(getVal()) elif t == STR: val.format = "string" val.text = v.val elif isinstance(t, Bits): bitString(t.bit_length()) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Not implemented for datatype {t}") return val
[docs] @internal def getParamPhysicalName(self, p: HdlIdDef): return
[docs] @internal def getParamType(self, p: HdlIdDef) -> HdlType: assert p.type in [INT, BOOL, STR], p return p.type
[docs] @internal def iterParams(self, unit: Unit): return unit._ctx.ent.params
[docs] @internal def iterInterfaces(self, top: Unit): return top._interfaces
[docs] @internal def serializeType(self, hdlType: HdlType) -> str: """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ buff = StringIO() to_ast = ToHdlAstVhdl2008() hdl = to_ast.as_hdl_HdlType(hdlType) ser = ToVhdl2008(buff) ser.visit_iHdlObj(hdl) return buff.getvalue()
[docs] @internal def getVectorFromType(self, dtype) -> Union[bool, None, Tuple[int, int]]: """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ if dtype == BIT: return False elif isinstance(dtype, Bits): return [dtype.bit_length() - 1, INT.from_py(0)]
[docs] @internal def getInterfaceType(self, intf: Interface) -> HdlType: """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ return intf._dtype
[docs] @internal def getInterfaceLogicalName(self, intf: Interface): """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ return getSignalName(intf)
[docs] @internal def getInterfacePhysicalName(self, intf: Interface): """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ return
[docs] @internal def getInterfaceDirection(self, thisIntf): """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ return thisIntf._direction
[docs] @internal def getTypeWidth(self, dtype: HdlType, do_eval=False)\ -> Tuple[int, Union[int, RtlSignal], bool]: """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ width = dtype.bit_length() widthStr = str(width) return width, widthStr, False
[docs] @internal def getObjDebugName(self, obj: Union[Interface, Unit, Param]) -> str: """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ return obj._getFullName()
[docs] @internal def serialzeValueToTCL(self, val, do_eval=False) -> Tuple[str, str, bool]: """ :see: doc of method on parent class """ if isinstance(val, int): val = INT.from_py(val) if do_eval: val = val.staticEval() buff = StringIO() to_hdl = ToHdlAstVivadoTclExpr() ser = Vhdl2008Serializer.TO_HDL(buff) hdl = to_hdl.as_hdl(val) ser.visit_iHdlObj(hdl) tclVal = buff.getvalue() if isinstance(val, RtlSignalBase): buff = StringIO() hdl = to_hdl.as_hdl(val.staticEval()) ser = Vhdl2008Serializer.TO_HDL(buff) ser.visit_iHdlObj(hdl) tclValVal = buff.getvalue() return tclVal, tclValVal, False else: return tclVal, tclVal, True