Source code for hwt.serializer.serializer_filter

from typing import Optional, Tuple

from hwt.serializer.mode import _serializeExclude_eval
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit

[docs]class SerializerFilter(object): """ Base class for filters used to exclude some :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instances from target HDL (in order to prevent code duplication, archetype colisions etc.) This base implementation keeps track about others objects and calls _serializeDecision on the :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance to decide if instance should be excluded. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.serializedClasses = {} # type: Type[Unit]: Unit # (unitCls, paramsValues) : unitObj # where paramsValues are dict name:value self.serializedConfiguredUnits = {}
[docs] def do_serialize(self, unit: Unit) -> Tuple[bool, Optional[Unit]]: """ Decide if this unit should be serialized or not eventually fix name to fit same already serialized unit :param obj: object to serialize :param serializedClasses: dict {unitCls : unitobj} :param serializedConfiguredUnits: (unitCls, paramsValues) : unitObj where paramsValues are named tuple name:value """ assert isinstance(unit, Unit) sd = unit._serializeDecision if sd is None: # the :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance does not have any filter function return True, None else: # use UnitInstance filer function prevPriv = self.serializedClasses.get(unit.__class__, None) do_serialize, nextPriv, replacement = sd(unit, prevPriv) self.serializedClasses[unit.__class__] = nextPriv return do_serialize, replacement
[docs]class SerializerFilterAll(SerializerFilter): """ Ignore any serialization constraints and dump everything """
[docs] def do_serialize(self, unit: Unit) -> bool: return True, None
[docs]class SerializerFilterDoNotExclude(SerializerFilter): """ Use all serialization specifications except @serializeExclude Usefull when it is requred to dump all components for sim etc. """
[docs] def do_serialize(self, unit: Unit) -> bool: orig = unit._serializeDecision if orig is _serializeExclude_eval: unit._serializeDecision = None try: return super(SerializerFilterDoNotExclude, self).do_serialize(unit) finally: unit._serializeDecision = orig