Source code for hwt.synthesizer.interface

from copy import copy
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, List, Generator, Callable

from hdlConvertorAst.translate.common.name_scope import NameScope
from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.constants import DIRECTION, INTF_DIRECTION
from hwt.hdl.statements.assignmentContainer import HdlAssignmentContainer
from hwt.hdl.types.typeCast import toHVal
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue
from hwt.synthesizer.exceptions import IntfLvlConfErr, InterfaceStructureErr
from hwt.synthesizer.hObjList import HObjList
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.interfaceUtils.directionFns import \
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.interfaceUtils.implDependent import\
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases import InterfaceBase
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.propDeclrCollector import\
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.netlist import RtlNetlist
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.utils import portItemfromSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils import fitTo
from hwtSimApi.agents.base import AgentBase
from hwt.hdl.portItem import HdlPortItem

[docs]def _default_param_updater(self, myP, parentPval): myP.set_value(parentPval)
[docs]class Interface(InterfaceBase, InterfaceceImplDependentFns, PropDeclrCollector, InterfaceDirectionFns): """ Base class for all interfaces in interface synthesizer :cvar _NAME_SEPARATOR: separator for nested interface names :ivar ~._params: [] of parameter :ivar ~._interfaces: [] sub interfaces :ivar ~._name: name assigned during synthesis :ivar ~._parent: parent object (Unit or Interface instance) :ivar ~._isExtern: If true synthesizer sets it as external port of unit :ivar ~._associatedClk: clock Signal (interface) associated with this interface if is none simulation agent try to search it on parent :ivar ~._associatedRst: rst(_n) Signal (interface) associated with this interface if is none simulation agent try to search it on parent :note: only interfaces without _interfaces have :ivar ~._boundedSigLvlUnit: RTL unit for which was this interface created Agenda of directions and HDL :ivar ~._masterDir: specifies which direction has this interface at master :ivar ~._direction: means actual direction of this interface resolved by its drivers :ivar ~._ctx: RTL netlist context of all signals and params on this interface after interface is registered on parent _ctx is merged :ivar ~._hdl_port: a HdlPortItem instance available once the unit is synthesized Agenda of simulations :ivar ~._ag: agent object connected to this interface (initialized only before simulation) """ _NAME_SEPARATOR = "_"
[docs] def __init__(self, masterDir=DIRECTION.OUT, hdl_name:Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, str]]]=None, loadConfig=True): """ This constructor is called when constructing new interface, it is usually done manually while creating :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` or automatically while extracting interfaces from UnitWithSoure :param masterDir: direction which this interface should have for master :param multiplyedBy: this can be instance of integer or Param, this mean the interface is array of the interfaces where multiplyedBy is the size :param loadConfig: do load config in __init__ """ self._setAttrListener: Optional[Callable[[str, object], None]] = None self._associatedClk: Optional[Interface] = None self._associatedRst: Optional[Interface] = None self._parent: Optional["Unit"] = None self._name: Optional[str] = None super().__init__() self._masterDir: DIRECTION = masterDir # Interface is instantiated inside of :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` first, # master direction actually means slave from outside view self._direction: INTF_DIRECTION = INTF_DIRECTION.UNKNOWN self._ctx: Optional[RtlNetlist] = None if loadConfig: self._loadConfig() # flags for better design error detection self._isExtern = False self._ag: Optional[AgentBase] = None self._hdl_port: Optional[HdlPortItem] = None self._hdl_name_override = hdl_name
[docs] def _m(self): """ Note that this interface will be master :return: self """ assert not hasattr(self, "_interfaces") or not self._interfaces, \ "Too late to change direction of interface" self._direction = DIRECTION.asIntfDirection(DIRECTION.opposite(self._masterDir)) return self
def __call__(self, other, exclude=None, fit=False) -> List[HdlAssignmentContainer]: """ :attention: it is not call of function it is operator of assignment """ assert self._direction != INTF_DIRECTION.MASTER try: return self._connectTo(other, exclude, fit) except Exception as e: # simplification of previous exception traceback e_simplified = copy(e) raise e_simplified
[docs] @internal def _loadDeclarations(self): """ load declarations from _declr method This function is called first for parent and then for children """ if not hasattr(self, "_interfaces"): self._interfaces = [] self._setAttrListener = self._declrCollector self._declr() self._setAttrListener = None for i in self._interfaces: i._loadDeclarations() i._setAsExtern(self._isExtern) if self._isExtern: # direction from inside of unit (reverset compared to outside direction) if self._direction == INTF_DIRECTION.UNKNOWN: self._direction = INTF_DIRECTION.MASTER self._setDirectionsLikeIn(self._direction)
[docs] @internal def _clean(self, lockNonExternal=True): """ Remove all signals from this interface (used after unit is synthesized and its parent is connecting its interface to this unit) """ if self._interfaces: for i in self._interfaces: i._clean(lockNonExternal=lockNonExternal)
[docs] def _connectTo(self, master, exclude=None, fit=False) -> List[HdlAssignmentContainer]: """ connect to another interface interface (on RTL level) works like self <= master in VHDL """ return list(self._connectToIter(master, exclude, fit))
[docs] @internal def _connectToIter(self, master, exclude, fit) -> Generator[HdlAssignmentContainer, None, None]: if exclude and (self in exclude or master in exclude): return if self._interfaces: seen_master_intfs = [] for ifc in self._interfaces: if exclude and ifc in exclude: mIfc = getattr(master, ifc._name, None) if mIfc is not None: seen_master_intfs.append(mIfc) continue if master is None: mIfc = ifc._dtype.from_py(None) else: try: mIfc = getattr(master, ifc._name) except AttributeError: raise IntfLvlConfErr("Invalid interface structure", ifc, "<=", master, "src missing", ifc._name) seen_master_intfs.append(mIfc) if exclude and mIfc in exclude: continue if isinstance(mIfc, HValue): # HStruct values if (ifc._masterDir in (DIRECTION.OUT, DIRECTION.INOUT) and ifc._direction == INTF_DIRECTION.MASTER) or\ (ifc._masterDir == DIRECTION.IN and ifc._direction == INTF_DIRECTION.SLAVE): raise IntfLvlConfErr( "Invalid connection", ifc, "<=", mIfc) yield from ifc._connectToIter(mIfc, exclude, fit) elif mIfc._masterDir == DIRECTION.OUT: if ifc._masterDir != mIfc._masterDir: raise IntfLvlConfErr( "Invalid connection", ifc, "<=", mIfc) yield from ifc._connectToIter(mIfc, exclude, fit) else: if ifc._masterDir != mIfc._masterDir: raise IntfLvlConfErr( "Invalid connection", mIfc, "<=", ifc) yield from mIfc._connectToIter(ifc, exclude, fit) if master is None: master_intf_cnt = len(self._interfaces) elif isinstance(master, HValue): master_intf_cnt = len(master._dtype.fields) else: master_intf_cnt = len(master._interfaces) if len(seen_master_intfs) != master_intf_cnt: if exclude: # there is a possibility that the master interface was excluded, # but we did not see it as the interface of the same name was not present on self for ifc in self._interfaces: if ifc in exclude or ifc not in seen_master_intfs: continue else: # ifc is an interface which is extra on master and is missing an equivalent on slave raise InterfaceStructureErr(self, master, exclude) else: raise InterfaceStructureErr(self, master, exclude) else: if not isinstance(master, HValue) and master._interfaces: raise InterfaceStructureErr(self, master, exclude) dstSig = toHVal(self) srcSig = toHVal(master) if fit: srcSig = fitTo(srcSig, dstSig) yield dstSig(srcSig)
[docs] @internal def _signalsForInterface(self, ctx: RtlNetlist, res: Optional[Dict[RtlSignal, DIRECTION]], name_scope: Optional[NameScope], prefix='', typeTransform=None, reverse_dir=False): """ Generate RtlSignal _sig and HdlPortInstance _hdl_port for each interface which has no subinterface :note: if already has _sig return use it instead :param ctx: instance of RtlNetlist where signals should be created :param res: output dictionary where result should be stored :param prefix: name prefix for created signals :param name_scope: name scope used to check collisions on port names if this a current top (every component is checked when it is seen first time) :param typeTransform: optional function (type) returns modified type for signal """ if self._interfaces: for intf in self._interfaces: intf._signalsForInterface(ctx, res, name_scope, prefix=prefix, typeTransform=typeTransform, reverse_dir=reverse_dir) else: assert self._sig is None, self t = self._dtype if typeTransform is not None: t = typeTransform(t) hdl_name = prefix + self._getHdlName() s = ctx.sig(hdl_name, t) s._interface = self self._sig = s if self._isExtern: d = INTF_DIRECTION.asDirection(self._direction) u = ctx.parent if reverse_dir: d = DIRECTION.opposite(d) assert self._hdl_port is None, ( "Now creating a hdl interface for top" " it but seems that it was already created") if res is not None: res[s] = d if reverse_dir: pi = portItemfromSignal(s, u, d) # port of current top component = name_scope.checked_name(, s) pi.connectInternSig(s) ctx.ent.ports.append(pi) else: pi = self._hdl_port # port of some subcomponent which names were already checked pi.connectOuterSig(s) self._hdl_port = pi
[docs] def _getHdlName(self) -> str: """Get name in HDL """ return HObjList._getHdlName(self)
[docs] def _getFullName(self) -> str: """get all name hierarchy separated by '.' """ return HObjList._getFullName(self)
[docs] def _updateParamsFrom(self, otherObj, updater=_default_param_updater, exclude=None, prefix=""): """ :note: doc in :func:`~hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.propDeclCollector._updateParamsFrom` """ PropDeclrCollector._updateParamsFrom( self, otherObj, updater, exclude, prefix) return self
[docs] def _bit_length(self) -> int: """Sum of all width of interfaces in this interface""" try: interfaces = self._interfaces except AttributeError: interfaces = None if interfaces is None: # not loaded interface _intf = self.__copy__() _intf._loadDeclarations() interfaces = _intf._interfaces if interfaces: w = 0 for i in interfaces: w += i._bit_length() return w else: return self._dtype.bit_length()
def __repr__(self) -> str: if hasattr(self, "_dtype"): t = f" {self._dtype}" else: t = "" if hasattr(self, '_width'): w = " _width=%s" % str(self._width) else: w = "" name = self._getFullName() return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {name:s}{w:s}{t:s}>"