Source code for hwt.hdl.statements.statement

from copy import deepcopy, copy
from itertools import chain
from typing import List, Tuple, Union, Optional, Dict, Callable, Generator

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.hdlObject import HdlObject
from hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery import flatten
from hwt.pyUtils.uniqList import UniqList
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase

[docs]class HwtSyntaxError(Exception): pass
SignalReplaceSpecType = Union[Tuple[RtlSignalBase, RtlSignalBase], Dict[RtlSignalBase, RtlSignalBase]]
[docs]class HdlStatement(HdlObject): """ :ivar ~._event_dependent_from_branch: index of code branch if statement is event (clk) dependent else None :ivar ~.parentStm: parent instance of HdlStatement or None :ivar ~.parentStmList: list in parent statement where this statement is stored :ivar ~._inputs: UniqList of input signals for this statement (All input signals which are directly used in any statement. Note that the expression is also the signal.) :ivar ~._outputs: UniqList of output signals for this statement :ivar ~._sensitivity: UniqList of input signals or (rising/falling) operator :ivar ~._enclosed_for: set of outputs for which this statement is enclosed (for which there is not any unused branch) :ivar ~.rank: number of used branches in statement, used as pre-filter for statement comparing """ _DEEPCOPY_SKIP = ('parentStm', 'parentStmList') _DEEPCOPY_SHALLOW_ONLY = ("_inputs", "_outputs", "_enclosed_for", "_sensitivity")
[docs] def __init__(self, parentStm:Optional["HdlStatement"]=None, parentStmList: Optional["ListOfHdlStatement"]=None, sensitivity:Optional[UniqList]=None, event_dependent_from_branch:Optional[int]=None): assert event_dependent_from_branch is None or isinstance(event_dependent_from_branch, int), event_dependent_from_branch self._event_dependent_from_branch = event_dependent_from_branch self.parentStm = parentStm self.parentStmList = parentStmList self._inputs = UniqList() self._outputs = UniqList() self._enclosed_for = None self._sensitivity = sensitivity self.rank = 0
def __deepcopy__(self, memo: dict): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): if v is None: new_v = None elif k in self._DEEPCOPY_SKIP: new_v = None elif k in self._DEEPCOPY_SHALLOW_ONLY: new_v = copy(v) else: new_v = deepcopy(v, memo) setattr(result, k, new_v) return result
[docs] @internal def _clean_signal_meta(self): """ Clean informations about enclosure for outputs and sensitivity of this statement """ self._enclosed_for = None self._sensitivity = None for stm in self._iter_stms(): stm._clean_signal_meta()
[docs] @internal def _collect_io(self) -> None: """ Collect inputs/outputs from all child statements to :py:attr:`~_input` / :py:attr:`_output` attribute on this object """ in_add = self._inputs.extend out_add = self._outputs.extend for stm in self._iter_stms(): in_add(stm._inputs) out_add(stm._outputs) if self.parentStmList is not None: for o in self._outputs: self.parentStmList._registerOutput(o, self)
[docs] @internal def _collect_inputs(self) -> None: """ Collect inputs from all child statements to :py:attr:`~_input` attribute on this object """ in_add = self._inputs.extend for stm in self._iter_stms(): in_add(stm._inputs)
[docs] @internal def _collect_outputs(self) -> None: """ Collect inputs from all child statements to :py:attr:`_output` attribute on this object """ out_add = self._outputs.extend for stm in self._iter_stms(): out_add(stm._outputs) if self.parentStmList is not None: for o in self._outputs: self.parentStmList._registerOutput(o, self)
[docs] @internal def _try_cut_off_whole_stm(self, sig: RtlSignalBase) -> bool: """ Try cut of output from statement and if this is only output of statement cut off whole statement. Otherwise prepare for cutting of the signal from this statement. :param sig: signal which drivers should be removed :return: true if was removed or False if pruning of sig from this statement is required """ if self._sensitivity is not None or self._enclosed_for is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Sensitivity and enclosure has to be cleaned first") if self.parentStmList is not None: self.parentStmList._unregisterOutput(sig, self) if len(self._outputs) == 1 and sig is self._outputs[0]: # this statement has only this output, eject this statement from its parent self.parentStm = None # because new parent will be asigned immediately after cutting of self.parentStmList = None return True sig.drivers.discard(self) return False
[docs] @internal def _cut_off_drivers_of(self, sig: RtlSignalBase) -> Union[None, "HdlStatement", List["HdlStatement"]]: """ Cut all logic from statements which drives signal sig. :param sig: signal which drivers should be removed :return: A statement or statement list which was cut off from the original statement """ raise NotImplementedError("This is an abstract method and it should be implemented in child class", self.__class__)
[docs] @internal def _cut_off_drivers_of_regenerate_io(self, cut_off_sig: RtlSignalBase, cut_of_smt: "HdlStatement"): """ Update _inputs/_outputs after some part of statement was cut of :param cut_off_sig: a signal which driver is a cut_of_stm :param cut_of_smt: the statement wich was cut off from original statement (selected by cut_off_sig) """ # update io of this self._outputs.remove(cut_off_sig) if cut_of_smt._inputs: # update inputs on this self._inputs.clear() self._collect_inputs() if self.parentStm is None: for i in cut_of_smt._inputs: if i not in self._inputs: i.endpoints.remove(self) if self.parentStm is None: cut_off_sig.drivers.append(cut_of_smt) if self.parentStmList is not None: self.parentStmList._unregisterOutput(cut_off_sig, self)
[docs] @internal def _discover_enclosure(self) -> None: """ Discover all outputs for which is this statement enclosed _enclosed_for property (has driver in all code branches) """ raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented" " on class of statement", self.__class__, self)
[docs] @internal def _discover_sensitivity(self, seen: set) -> None: """ discover all sensitivity signals and store them to _sensitivity property """ raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented" " on class of statement", self.__class__, self)
[docs] @internal def _fill_enclosure(self, enclosure: Dict[RtlSignalBase, Callable[[], 'HdlStatement']]) -> None: """ Add assignments to a default values to a code branches which are not assigning to specified output signal. :attention: enclosure has to be discoverd first use _discover_enclosure() method """ raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented" " on class of statement", self.__class__, self)
[docs] @internal def _get_rtl_context(self) -> 'RtlNetlist': """ get RtlNetlist context from signals """ for sig in chain(self._inputs, self._outputs): if sig.ctx: return sig.ctx else: # Param instances does not have context continue raise HwtSyntaxError( "Statement does not have any signal in any context," " it should have at least some output or should be alreary optimized out", self)
[docs] @internal def _iter_stms(self): """ :return: iterator over all children statements """ raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented" " on class of statement", self.__class__, self)
[docs] @internal def _iter_stms_for_output(self, output: RtlSignalBase) -> Generator["HdlStatement", None, None]: """ :return: iterator of sub statements which have specified output as an output """ return yield
[docs] @internal def _merge_with_other_stm(self, other: "HdlStatement") -> None: """ :attention: statements has to be mergable (to check use _is_mergable method) """ raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented" " on class of statement", self.__class__, self)
[docs] @internal def _on_reduce(self, self_reduced: bool, io_changed: bool, result_statements: List["HdlStatement"]) -> None: """ Update signal IO after reduce attempt :param self_reduced: if True this object was reduced :param io_changed: if True IO of this object may changed and has to be updated :param result_statements: list of statements which are result of reduce operation on this statement """ parentStm = self.parentStm parentStmList = self.parentStmList if self_reduced: was_top = parentStm is None # update signal drivers/endpoints if was_top: # disconnect self from signals ctx = self._get_rtl_context() ctx.statements.remove(self) ctx.statements.update(result_statements) for i in self._inputs: i.endpoints.discard(self) for o in self._outputs: o.drivers.remove(self) for stm in result_statements: stm.parentStm = parentStm stm.parentStmList = parentStmList if was_top: # connect signals to child statements for inp in stm._inputs: inp.endpoints.append(stm) for outp in stm._outputs: outp.drivers.append(stm) else: for outp in stm._outputs: if parentStmList is not None: parentStmList._registerOutput(outp, stm) else: # parent has to update it's inputs/outputs if io_changed: if parentStmList is not None: for o in self._outputs: parentStmList._unregisterOutput(o, self) self._inputs = UniqList() self._outputs = UniqList() self._collect_io()
[docs] @internal def _on_merge(self, other: "HdlStatement"): """ After merging statements update IO, sensitivity and context :attention: rank is not updated """ self._inputs.extend(other._inputs) if self.parentStmList is not None: for o in other._outputs: if o not in self._outputs: self._outputs.append(o) self.parentStmList._registerOutput(o, self) else: self._outputs.extend(other._outputs) if self._sensitivity is not None: self._sensitivity.extend(other._sensitivity) else: assert other._sensitivity is None if self._enclosed_for is not None: self._enclosed_for.update(other._enclosed_for) else: assert other._enclosed_for is None other_was_top = other.parentStm is None if other_was_top: other._get_rtl_context().statements.remove(other) for s in other._inputs: s.endpoints.discard(other) s.endpoints.append(self) for s in other._outputs: s.drivers.discard(other) s.drivers.append(self)
[docs] @internal def _try_reduce(self) -> Tuple[List["HdlStatement"], bool]: raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented" " on class of statement", self.__class__, self)
[docs] def _is_enclosed(self) -> bool: """ :return: True if every branch in statement assignas to all output signals else False """ return len(self._outputs) == len(self._enclosed_for)
[docs] @internal def _is_mergable(self, other: "HdlStatement") -> bool: if self is other: raise ValueError("Can not merge statement with itself") else: raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented" " on class of statement", self.__class__, self)
[docs] @internal def _on_parent_event_dependent(self): """ After parent statement become event dependent propagate event dependency flag to child statements """ if self._event_dependent_from_branch != 0: self._event_dependent_from_branch = 0 for stm in self._iter_stms(): stm._on_parent_event_dependent()
[docs] @internal def _set_parent_stm(self, parentStm: "HdlStatement", parentStmList: "ListOfHdlStatements"): """ Assign parent statement and propagate dependency flags if necessary """ assert parentStm is not self.parentStm was_top = self.parentStm is None self.parentStm = parentStm if self._event_dependent_from_branch is None\ and parentStm._event_dependent_from_branch is not None: self._on_parent_event_dependent() topStatement = parentStm parents = [] while True: parents.append(topStatement) if topStatement.parentStm is None: break topStatement = topStatement.parentStm if was_top: for inp in self._inputs: inp.endpoints.discard(self) inp.endpoints.append(topStatement) for p in parents: p._inputs.append(inp) for outp in self._outputs: outp.drivers.discard(self) outp.drivers.append(topStatement) for p in parents: p._outputs.append(outp) ctx = self._get_rtl_context() ctx.statements.discard(self) parentStm.rank += self.rank self.parentStmList = parentStmList for o in self._outputs: parentStmList._registerOutput(o, self)
[docs] @internal def _register_stements(self, statements: List["HdlStatement"], target: "ListOfHdlStatements"): """ Append statements to this container """ for stm in flatten(statements): assert stm.parentStm is None, ( "HdlStatement instance has to have only a single parent", stm) stm._set_parent_stm(self, target) target.append(stm)
[docs] def isSame(self, other: "HdlStatement") -> bool: """ :return: True if other has same meaning as self """ raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented in child class", self.__class__, self)
[docs] @internal def _destroy(self): """ Disconnect this statement from signals and delete it from RtlNetlist context :attention: signal endpoints/drivers will be altered that means they can not be used for iteration """ for i in self._inputs: i.endpoints.discard(self) if self.parentStm is None: ctx = self._get_rtl_context() for o in self._outputs: o.drivers.remove(self) ctx.statements.remove(self) self.parentStm = None if self.parentStmList is not None: self.parentStmList = None for o in self._outputs: self.parentStmList._unregisterOutput(o, self)
[docs] @internal def _replace_input_nested(self, topStm: "HdlStatement", toReplace: SignalReplaceSpecType) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented in child class", self.__class__, self)
[docs] @internal def _replace_input(self, toReplace: SignalReplaceSpecType) -> bool: """ Replace input signal with another :return: True if the expression was present in this statement (and was replaced) :note: sensitivity/endpoints are actualized :note: calling on children does not update parent's _inputs, _sensitivity or _enclosed_for """ assert self.parentStm is None, self return self._replace_input_nested(self, toReplace)
[docs] @internal def _replace_input_update_sensitivity_and_inputs( self, toReplace: SignalReplaceSpecType): """ This function updates _sensitivity and _inputs containers after the input was replaced in this statement. :attention: it does not perform the replace of the input. It should be called after the replace. """ # if we replace something some input expression may be altered thus full re-computation is required self._inputs.clear() self._collect_inputs() if self._sensitivity is not None: self._sensitivity = None self._discover_sensitivity(set())
[docs] @internal def _replace_child_statement(self, stm: "HdlStatement", replacement: List["HdlStatement"], update_io: bool) -> None: """ Replace a child statement with a list of other statements :attention: original statement is destroyed and entirely removed from circuit :note: sensitivity/endoints are actualized """ raise NotImplementedError("This method should be implemented in child class", self.__class__, self)