Source code for hwt.hdl.statements.utils.reduction

from itertools import islice, zip_longest
from typing import Tuple

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.statements.assignmentContainer import HdlAssignmentContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.utils.listOfHdlStatements import ListOfHdlStatement
from hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery import groupedby
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.constants import NOT_SPECIFIED

[docs]@internal def HdlStatement_merge_statement_lists(stmsA: ListOfHdlStatement, stmsB: ListOfHdlStatement)\ ->ListOfHdlStatement: """ Merge two lists of statements into one :return: list of merged statements """ if stmsA is None and stmsB is None: return None elif stmsA is None: return stmsB elif stmsB is None: return stmsA tmp = ListOfHdlStatement() # copy all with already known not to merge if stmsA.firstStmWithBranchesI is NOT_SPECIFIED: # we need to check items ourselfs a_it = iter(stmsA) elif stmsA.firstStmWithBranchesI is not None: # we know the first item which requires extra care, we can copy all predecessors tmp.extend(islice(stmsA, 0, stmsA.firstStmWithBranchesI)) a_it = islice(stmsA, stmsA.firstStmWithBranchesI, None) else: # items do no require any care, we can copy them all, but instead we use original list # to avoid copy tmp = stmsA a_it = iter(tuple()) if stmsB.firstStmWithBranchesI is not None: tmp.extend(islice(stmsB, 0, stmsB.firstStmWithBranchesI)) b_it = islice(stmsB, stmsB.firstStmWithBranchesI, None) else: b_it = iter(stmsB) a = None b = None a_empty = False b_empty = False while not a_empty and not b_empty: while not a_empty: a = next(a_it, None) if a is None: a_empty = True break elif a.rank == 0: # simple statement does not require merging tmp.append(a) a = None else: break while not b_empty: b = next(b_it, None) if b is None: b_empty = True break elif b.rank == 0: # simple statement does not require merging tmp.append(b) b = None else: break if a is not None or b is not None: if a is None: a = b b = None if a is not None and b is not None: a._merge_with_other_stm(b) tmp.append(a) a = None b = None return tmp
[docs]@internal def HdlStatement_try_reduce_list(statements: ListOfHdlStatement)\ ->Tuple[ListOfHdlStatement, int, bool]: """ Simplify statements in the list """ io_change = False new_statements = ListOfHdlStatement() for stm in statements: reduced, _io_change = stm._try_reduce() new_statements.extend(reduced) io_change |= _io_change new_statements, rank_decrease = HdlStatement_merge_statements( new_statements) new_statements, io_change, _rank_decrease = HdlStatement_reduce_overriden_assignments(new_statements) rank_decrease += _rank_decrease return new_statements, rank_decrease, io_change
[docs]@internal def HdlStatement_reduce_overriden_assignments(statements: ListOfHdlStatement)\ ->Tuple[ListOfHdlStatement, bool, int]: io_change = False new_statements = [] rank_decrease = 0 fully_driven_outputs = set() for stm in reversed(statements): if fully_driven_outputs.issuperset(stm._outputs): rank_decrease += stm.rank io_change = True continue if isinstance(stm, HdlAssignmentContainer): fully_driven_outputs.update(stm._outputs) new_statements.append(stm) return ListOfHdlStatement(reversed(new_statements)), io_change, rank_decrease
[docs]@internal def HdlStatement_merge_statements(statements: ListOfHdlStatement)\ ->Tuple[ListOfHdlStatement, int]: """ Merge statements in list to remove duplicated if-then-else trees :return: tuple (list of merged statements, rank decrease due merging) :note: rank decrease is sum of ranks of reduced statements :attention: statement list has to me mergable """ order = {} for i, stm in enumerate(statements): order[stm] = i new_statements = ListOfHdlStatement() rank_decrease = 0 for rank, stms in groupedby(statements, lambda s: s.rank): if rank == 0: new_statements.extend(stms) else: if len(stms) == 1: new_statements.extend(stms) continue # try to merge statements if they are same condition tree for iA, stmA in enumerate(stms): if stmA is None: continue for iB, stmB in enumerate(islice(stms, iA + 1, None)): if stmB is None: continue if stmA._is_mergable(stmB): rank_decrease += stmB.rank stmA._merge_with_other_stm(stmB) stms[iA + 1 + iB] = None new_statements.append(stmA) new_statements.sort(key=lambda stm: order[stm]) return new_statements, rank_decrease
[docs]@internal def is_mergable_statement_list(stmsA: ListOfHdlStatement, stmsB: ListOfHdlStatement): """ Walk statements and compare if they can be merged into one statement list """ if stmsA is None and stmsB is None: return True elif stmsA is None or stmsB is None: return False # [todo] there is a performance error when the list has no statements with rank != 0 # all items needs to be checked everytime, for "rtl register if (clk)" statements # this is a problem as this list can grow large (100K+ items) and needs to be compared with every # not yet merged statement for (a, b) in zip_longest(stmsA._iter_stms_with_branches(), stmsB._iter_stms_with_branches()): if a is None or b is None or not a._is_mergable(b): return False # lists are empty return True