Source code for hwt.serializer.combLoopAnalyzer

from copy import copy
from itertools import chain
from typing import Tuple

from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._bases import iHdlStatement
from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._statements import HdlStmBlock
from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._structural import HdlModuleDef, HdlCompInst
from hwt.hdl.sensitivityCtx import SensitivityCtx
from hwt.hdl.statements.assignmentContainer import HdlAssignmentContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.codeBlockContainer import HdlStmCodeBlockContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.ifContainter import IfContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.switchContainer import SwitchContainer
from hwt.serializer.combLoopAnalyzer.tarjan import StronglyConnectedComponentSearchTarjan
from hwt.serializer.resourceAnalyzer.analyzer import ResourceAnalyzer
from hwt.synthesizer.componentPath import ComponentPath
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from ipCorePackager.constants import DIRECTION

[docs]def collect_comb_inputs(ctx, seen, input_signal, comb_inputs): if input_signal not in seen: seen.add(input_signal) input_signal._walk_sensitivity(comb_inputs, seen, ctx)
[docs]def collect_comb_drivers(path_prefix: Tuple[Unit, ...], stm: iHdlStatement, comb_connection_matrix: dict, comb_inputs: tuple): if isinstance(stm, HdlAssignmentContainer): ctx = SensitivityCtx() seen = set() # merge condition inputs to current_comb_inputs current_comb_inputs = set(comb_inputs) for inp in stm._inputs: collect_comb_inputs(ctx, seen, inp, current_comb_inputs) for o in stm._outputs: o_key = path_prefix / o for i in current_comb_inputs: con = comb_connection_matrix.setdefault(path_prefix / i, set()) con.add(o_key) elif isinstance(stm, IfContainer): current_comb_inputs = set(comb_inputs) # intended copy elifs = ((stm.cond, stm.ifTrue), *stm.elIfs) ev_dep_branch = stm._event_dependent_from_branch ctx = SensitivityCtx() seen = set() found_event_dep = False for branch_i, (cond, stms) in enumerate(elifs): # [TODO] check if this works for clock gating if ev_dep_branch is not None and ev_dep_branch == branch_i: found_event_dep = True break collect_comb_inputs(ctx, seen, cond, current_comb_inputs) for sub_stm in stms: collect_comb_drivers(path_prefix, sub_stm, comb_connection_matrix, current_comb_inputs) if not found_event_dep and stm.ifFalse is not None: for sub_stm in stms: collect_comb_drivers(path_prefix, sub_stm, comb_connection_matrix, current_comb_inputs) elif isinstance(stm, HdlStmCodeBlockContainer): for sub_stm in stm.statements: collect_comb_drivers(path_prefix, sub_stm, comb_connection_matrix, comb_inputs) elif isinstance(stm, SwitchContainer): current_comb_inputs = set(comb_inputs) ctx = SensitivityCtx() seen = set() collect_comb_inputs(ctx, seen, stm.switchOn, current_comb_inputs) cases = stm.cases if stm.default is not None: cases = chain(cases, ((None, stm.default),)) for (_, case_stms) in cases: for sub_stm in case_stms: collect_comb_drivers(path_prefix, sub_stm, comb_connection_matrix, current_comb_inputs) else: raise NotImplementedError(stm)
[docs]class CombLoopAnalyzer(): """ Visitor which can walk synthetized hwt :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instances and detect clusters connected by combinational logic """
[docs] def __init__(self): # RtlSignal: Set[RtlSignal] self.comb_connection_matrix = {} # RtlSignal: set of signals in comb loop self._report = {} self.actual_path_prefix = ComponentPath()
[docs] def visit_Unit(self, u: Unit): if u._shared_component_with is None: arch = u._ctx.arch else: _u, _, _ = u._shared_component_with arch = _u._ctx.arch assert arch is not None, u self.visit_HdlModuleDef(arch)
[docs] def visit_HdlModuleDef(self, m: HdlModuleDef) -> None: ResourceAnalyzer.visit_HdlModuleDef(self, m)
[docs] def visit_HdlStmCodeBlockContainer(self, proc: HdlStmCodeBlockContainer) -> None: collect_comb_drivers(self.actual_path_prefix, proc, self.comb_connection_matrix, tuple())
[docs] def visit_HdlCompInst(self, o: HdlCompInst) -> None: orig_path_prefix = self.actual_path_prefix in_component_path_prefix = orig_path_prefix if o.origin._shared_component_with is not None: in_component_path_prefix = in_component_path_prefix / o.origin try: assert o.origin, o self.actual_path_prefix = in_component_path_prefix self.visit_Unit(o.origin) for pm in o.port_map: if pm.direction == DIRECTION.OUT: k = in_component_path_prefix / pm.src v = orig_path_prefix / pm.dst elif pm.direction == DIRECTION.IN: k = orig_path_prefix / pm.src v = in_component_path_prefix / pm.dst else: raise NotImplementedError(pm.direction) self.comb_connection_matrix.setdefault(k, set()).add(v) finally: self.actual_path_prefix = orig_path_prefix
[docs] def report(self): scc_search = StronglyConnectedComponentSearchTarjan(self.comb_connection_matrix) for scc in scc_search.search_strongly_connected_components(): if len(scc) > 1: yield scc