Source code for hwt.serializer.combLoopAnalyzer.tarjan

from typing import Generator

[docs]def _tarjan_head(index, lowlink, S, S_set, T, g, v): lowlink[v] = index[v] = len(index) S.append(v) S_set.add(v) it = iter(g.get(v, ())) T.append((it, False, v, None))
[docs]class StronglyConnectedComponentSearchTarjan(): """ Tarjan's strongly connected component search graph algorithm for DAGs based on """
[docs] def __init__(self, g: dict): """ :param g: graph represented as a dictionary { <vertex> : <successors of vertex> }. :note: vertex type does not matter but it has to be hashable (implement __eq__ and __hash__) """ self.g = g
[docs] def search_strongly_connected_components(self) -> Generator: """ yields the strongly connected components of the graph in a topological order. """ g = self.g # the graph S = [] # The main stack of the alg. S_set = set() # == set(S) for performance index = {} # { v : <index of v> } lowlink = {} # { v : <lowlink of v> } T = [] # stack to replace recursion main_iter = iter(g) for v in main_iter: if v not in index: _tarjan_head(index, lowlink, S, S_set, T, g, v) while T: it, inside, v, w = T.pop() if inside: lowlink[v] = min(lowlink[w], lowlink[v]) body_break = False for w in it: if w not in index: T.append((it, True, v, w)) _tarjan_head(index, lowlink, S, S_set, T, g, w) body_break = True break if w in S_set: lowlink[v] = min(lowlink[v], index[w]) if body_break: continue if lowlink[v] == index[v]: scc = [] w = None while v != w: w = S.pop() scc.append(w) S_set.remove(w) yield scc