Source code for hwt.serializer.mode

Serializer mode specifies if hdl objects derived from parent unit
should be serialized to target HDL or not

use serialize* methods to specify serialization mode for unit class

.. code-block:: python

    class MyUnit(Unit):
        # ...


from collections import namedtuple

from hwt.doc_markers import internal

[docs]@internal def freeze_dict(data): keys = sorted(data.keys()) if keys: frozen_type = namedtuple(''.join(keys), keys) else: return tuple() return frozen_type(**data)
[docs]@internal def paramsToValTuple(unit): # [TODO] check sub params d = {} for p in unit._params: v = p.get_value() d[p._name] = v return freeze_dict(d)
[docs]def serializeExclude(cls): """ Never serialize HDL objects from this class """ cls._serializeDecision = staticmethod(_serializeExclude_eval) return cls
[docs]def serializeOnce(cls): """ Serialize HDL objects only once per class """ cls._serializeDecision = staticmethod(_serializeOnce_eval) return cls
[docs]def serializeParamsUniq(cls): """ Decide to serialize only when parameters are unique """ cls._serializeDecision = staticmethod(_serializeParamsUniq_eval) return cls
[docs]@internal def _serializeExclude_eval(parentUnit, priv): """ Always decide not to serialize obj :param priv: private data for this function first unit of this class :return: tuple (do serialize this object, next priv, replacement unit) """ # do not use this :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance and do not use any prelacement # (useful when the :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance is a placeholder for something # which already exists in hdl word) if priv is None: priv = parentUnit return False, priv, None else: return False, priv, priv
[docs]@internal def _serializeOnce_eval(parentUnit, priv): """ Decide to serialize only first obj of it's class :param priv: private data for this function (first object with class == obj.__class__) :return: tuple (do serialize this object, next priv, replacement unit) where priv is private data for this function (first object with class == obj.__class__) """ if priv is None: priv = parentUnit serialize = True replacement = None # use this :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance and store it for later use else: # use existing :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance serialize = False replacement = priv return serialize, priv, replacement
[docs]@internal def _serializeParamsUniq_eval(parentUnit, priv): """ Decide to serialize only objs with uniq parameters and class :param priv: private data for this function ({frozen_params: obj}) :return: tuple (do serialize this object, next priv, replacement unit) """ params = paramsToValTuple(parentUnit) if priv is None: priv = {} try: prevUnit = priv[params] except KeyError: priv[params] = parentUnit # serialize new return True, priv, None # use previous :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instance with same config return False, priv, prevUnit