Source code for hwt.serializer.store_manager

from io import StringIO
import os
from typing import Type, Optional, Union

from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._bases import iHdlObj
from hdlConvertorAst.translate.common.name_scope import NameScope
from hwt.pyUtils.uniqList import UniqList
from hwt.serializer.serializer_config import DummySerializerConfig
from hwt.serializer.serializer_filter import SerializerFilter
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import HdlConstraintList
from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst import HdlModuleDef

[docs]class StoreManager(object): """ A base class for an objects which manage how the output of the serialization is stored by serializer_cls """
[docs] def __init__(self, serializer_cls: DummySerializerConfig, _filter: Type["SerializerFilter"]=None, name_scope: Optional[NameScope]=None): self.serializer_cls = serializer_cls self.as_hdl_ast = serializer_cls.TO_HDL_AST(name_scope=name_scope) self.name_scope = self.as_hdl_ast.name_scope if _filter is None: _filter = SerializerFilter() self.filter = _filter
[docs] def hierarchy_push(self, obj: "Unit") -> NameScope: c = self.name_scope.level_push( self.name_scope = c return c
[docs] def hierarchy_pop(self, obj: "Unit") -> NameScope: p = self.name_scope.parent assert p is not None self.name_scope = p return p
[docs] def write(self, obj: Union[iHdlObj, HdlConstraintList]): pass
[docs]class SaveToStream(StoreManager): """ Store all produced code to an output stream """
[docs] def __init__(self, serializer_cls: DummySerializerConfig, stream: StringIO, _filter: "SerializerFilter"=None, name_scope: Optional[NameScope]=None): super(SaveToStream, self).__init__( serializer_cls, _filter=_filter, name_scope=name_scope) = stream ser = self.ser = self.serializer_cls.TO_HDL( if hasattr(ser, "stm_outputs"): ser.stm_outputs = self.as_hdl_ast.stm_outputs
[docs] def write(self, obj: Union[iHdlObj, HdlConstraintList]): self.as_hdl_ast.name_scope = self.name_scope if isinstance(obj, HdlConstraintList): if self.serializer_cls.TO_CONSTRAINTS is not None: to_constr = self.serializer_cls.TO_CONSTRAINTS( to_constr.visit_HdlConstraintList(obj) else: hdl = self.as_hdl_ast.as_hdl(obj) self.ser.visit_iHdlObj(hdl)
[docs]class SaveToFilesFlat(StoreManager): """ Store all produced code to a single directory, file per component. """
[docs] def __init__(self, serializer_cls: DummySerializerConfig, root: str, _filter: "SerializerFilter"=None, name_scope: Optional[NameScope]=None): super(SaveToFilesFlat, self).__init__( serializer_cls, _filter=_filter, name_scope=name_scope) self.root = root self.files = UniqList() self.module_path_prefix = None os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def write(self, obj: Union[iHdlObj, HdlConstraintList]): if isinstance(obj, HdlConstraintList): f_name = "constraints" + self.serializer_cls.TO_CONSTRAINTS.fileExtension else: if isinstance(obj, HdlModuleDef): name = obj.module_name.val else: name = f_name = name + self.serializer_cls.fileExtension fp = os.path.join(self.root, f_name) if fp in self.files: m = 'a' else: m = 'w' self.files.append(fp) with open(fp, m) as f: s = SaveToStream(self.serializer_cls, f, self.filter, self.name_scope) s.ser.module_path_prefix = self.module_path_prefix s.write(obj)
[docs]class SaveToSingleFiles(StoreManager): """ Store all produced code to a single directory, all component source code to single file and all constrains to single file. """
[docs] def __init__(self, serializer_cls: DummySerializerConfig, root: str, name: str, _filter: "SerializerFilter"=None, name_scope: Optional[NameScope]=None): super(SaveToSingleFiles, self).__init__( serializer_cls, _filter=_filter, name_scope=name_scope) self.root = root self.comp_name = name self.file_const = os.path.join(self.root, self.comp_name + self.serializer_cls.TO_CONSTRAINTS.fileExtension) self.file_src = os.path.join(self.root, self.comp_name + self.serializer_cls.fileExtension) self.files = UniqList() self.module_path_prefix = None os.makedirs(root, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def write(self, obj: Union[iHdlObj, HdlConstraintList]): if isinstance(obj, HdlConstraintList): f_name = self.file_const else: f_name = self.file_src if f_name not in self.files: m = 'w' self.files.append(f_name) else: m = 'a' with open(f_name, m) as f: s = SaveToStream(self.serializer_cls, f, self.filter, self.name_scope) s.ser.module_path_prefix = self.module_path_prefix s.write(obj)