Source code for hwt.serializer.vhdl.serializer

import re
from typing import List

from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst import HdlOp, HdlModuleDec, HdlOpType, iHdlStatement
from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._expr import HdlValueId, HdlAll
from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._statements import HdlImport, \
    HdlStmIf, HdlStmBlock, HdlStmFor, HdlStmForIn
from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._structural import HdlLibrary, HdlModuleDef, \
    HdlCompInst, HdlContext
from import VHLD2008_KEYWORDS
from hdlConvertorAst.translate.common.name_scope import LanguageKeyword, NameScope
from hdlConvertorAst.translate.verilog_to_basic_hdl_sim_model.utils import hdl_call
from hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery import groupedby
from hwt.serializer.generic.to_hdl_ast import ToHdlAst
from hwt.serializer.vhdl.ops import ToHdlAstVhdl2008_ops
from hwt.serializer.vhdl.statements import ToHdlAstVhdl2008_statements
from hwt.serializer.vhdl.types import ToHdlAstVhdl2008_types
from hwt.serializer.vhdl.value import ToHdlAstVhdl2008_Value

[docs]class VhdlNameScope(NameScope): RE_MANY_UNDERSCORES = re.compile(r"(_{2,})")
[docs] def checked_name(self, suggested_name, actualObj): suggested_name = self._sanitize_name(suggested_name) suggested_name = self.RE_MANY_UNDERSCORES.sub(r"_", suggested_name) if suggested_name[0] == "_": suggested_name = "u" + suggested_name return NameScope.checked_name(self, suggested_name, actualObj)
IEEE = HdlValueId("IEEE", obj=LanguageKeyword()) std_logic_1164 = HdlValueId("std_logic_1164", obj=LanguageKeyword()) numeric_std = HdlValueId("numeric_std", obj=LanguageKeyword())
[docs]class ToHdlAstVhdl2008(ToHdlAstVhdl2008_Value, ToHdlAstVhdl2008_ops, ToHdlAstVhdl2008_types, ToHdlAstVhdl2008_statements, ToHdlAst): """ :ivar ~.name_scope: name scope used to generate a unique names for tmp variables (all object should be registered in namescope before serialization) """ _keywords_dict = {kw: LanguageKeyword() for kw in VHLD2008_KEYWORDS} DEFAULT_IMPORTS = [ HdlLibrary("IEEE"), HdlImport([IEEE, std_logic_1164, HdlAll]), HdlImport([IEEE, numeric_std, HdlAll]), ] ASSERT = HdlValueId("assert") FAILURE = HdlValueId("failure")
[docs] @classmethod def getBaseNameScope(cls): s = VhdlNameScope.make_top(True) s.update(cls._keywords_dict) return s
[docs] @staticmethod def _find_HdlCompInst(o): if isinstance(o, (list, tuple)): for _o in o: yield from ToHdlAstVhdl2008._find_HdlCompInst(_o) if isinstance(o, HdlCompInst): yield o elif isinstance(o, HdlStmBlock) and o.in_preproc: yield from ToHdlAstVhdl2008._find_HdlCompInst(o.body) elif isinstance(o, HdlStmIf) and o.in_preproc: if o.if_true: yield from ToHdlAstVhdl2008._find_HdlCompInst(o.if_true) for _, stms in o.elifs: yield from ToHdlAstVhdl2008._find_HdlCompInst(stms) if o.if_false: yield from ToHdlAstVhdl2008._find_HdlCompInst(o.if_false) elif isinstance(o, (HdlStmFor, HdlStmForIn)) and o.in_preproc: if o.body: yield from ToHdlAstVhdl2008._find_HdlCompInst(o.body)
[docs] def _static_assert_false(self, msg:str): return hdl_call(self.ASSERT, [ self.FALSE, msg, self.FAILURE])
[docs] def _static_assert_symbol_eq(self, symbol_name:str, v): return hdl_call(self.ASSERT, [ HdlOp(HdlOpType.EQ, [HdlValueId(symbol_name), v]), "Generated only for this value", self.FAILURE])
[docs] def _as_hdl_HdlModuleDef_param_asserts(self, new_m: HdlModuleDec) -> List[iHdlStatement]: return ToHdlAst._as_hdl_HdlModuleDef_param_asserts_real(self, new_m)
[docs] def as_hdl_HdlModuleDef(self, o: HdlModuleDef): """ Translate hwt types and expressions to HDL AST and add explicit components """ _o = super(ToHdlAstVhdl2008, self).as_hdl_HdlModuleDef(o) component_insts = [] for c in _o.objs: component_insts.extend(self._find_HdlCompInst(c)) # select comonent instances whith an unique module_name components = [ x[1][0] for x in groupedby(component_insts, lambda c: c.module_name) ] components.sort(key=lambda c: c.module_name) components = [self.as_hdl_HldComponent(c) for c in components] if components: # :note: it is important that the asserts are at the end because # we are detecting the declarations from the beginnig and assert there would # disturb that objs = [*components, *_o.objs] _o.objs = objs res = HdlContext() res.objs.extend(self.DEFAULT_IMPORTS) res.objs.append(_o) return res
[docs] def as_hdl_HldComponent(self, o: HdlCompInst): c = self.as_hdl_HdlModuleDec(o.origin._ctx.ent) return c