Source code for hwt.serializer.vhdl.statements

from copy import copy

from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst import HdlStmCase
from hdlConvertorAst.hdlAst._statements import HdlStmAssign
from hwt.hdl.statements.assignmentContainer import HdlAssignmentContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.codeBlockContainer import HdlStmCodeBlockContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.ifContainter import IfContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.switchContainer import SwitchContainer
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BOOL, BIT
from hwt.hdl.types.sliceVal import HSliceVal
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue
from hwt.hdl.variables import SignalItem
from hwt.serializer.exceptions import SerializerException
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase
from hwt.hdl.operator import Operator
from hwt.hdl.operatorDefs import AllOps
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.signalUtils.exceptions import SignalDriverErr

[docs]class ToHdlAstVhdl2008_statements():
[docs] @staticmethod def _expandBitsOperandType(v): if v._dtype == BIT and isinstance(v, RtlSignalBase) and v.hidden: try: d = v.singleDriver() except SignalDriverErr: d = None if d is not None and isinstance(d, Operator) and d.operator is AllOps.INDEX and d.operands[0]._dtype == BOOL: return BOOL return v._dtype
[docs] def as_hdl_HdlAssignmentContainer(self, a: HdlAssignmentContainer): _dst = dst = a.dst assert isinstance(dst, SignalItem) if a.indexes is not None: for i in a.indexes: if isinstance(i, HSliceVal): i = i.__copy__() dst = dst[i] src = a.src dst_t = dst._dtype correct = False src_t = self._expandBitsOperandType(src) if dst_t == src_t: correct = True else: src = a.src if (isinstance(dst_t, Bits) and isinstance(src_t, Bits)): # std_logic <-> boolean <-> std_logic_vector(0 downto 0) auto conversions while not (dst_t == src_t): # while is used because the casting could be required multiple times correct = False if dst_t.bit_length() == src_t.bit_length() == 1: if dst_t.force_vector and not src_t.force_vector: dst = dst[0] correct = True elif not dst_t.force_vector and src_t.force_vector: src = src[0] correct = True elif src_t == BOOL: src = src._ternary(BIT.from_py(1), BIT.from_py(0)) correct = True elif not src_t.strict_width: if isinstance(src, HValue): src = copy(src) if a.indexes: raise NotImplementedError() src._dtype = dst_t correct = True else: raise NotImplementedError() pass src_t = src._dtype dst_t = dst._dtype if not correct: # automatic type cast can not be performed break if correct: src = self.as_hdl(src) hdl_a = HdlStmAssign(src, self.as_hdl(dst)) hdl_a.is_blocking = _dst.virtual_only return hdl_a raise SerializerException( f"{dst} = {a.src} is not valid assignment\n" f" because types are different ({dst._dtype}; {a.src._dtype})")
[docs] def as_hdl_SwitchContainer(self, sw: SwitchContainer) -> HdlStmCase: s = HdlStmCase() switchOn = sw.switchOn if isinstance(switchOn, RtlSignalBase) and switchOn.hidden: _, switchOn = self.tmpVars.create_var_cached("tmpTypeConv_", switchOn._dtype, def_val=switchOn) s.switch_on = self.as_hdl_cond(switchOn, False) s.cases = cases = [] for key, statements in sw.cases: key = self.as_hdl_Value(key) cases.append((key, self.as_hdl_statements(statements))) s.default = self.as_hdl_statements(sw.default) return s
[docs] def can_pop_process_wrap(self, stms, hasToBeVhdlProcess): if hasToBeVhdlProcess or len(stms) > 1: return False else: assert len(stms) == 1, stms return True
[docs] def has_to_be_process(self, proc: HdlStmCodeBlockContainer): for x in proc.statements: if isinstance(x, (IfContainer, SwitchContainer)): return True return False