Source code for hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.unitImplHelpers

from itertools import chain
from typing import Union, Optional, Tuple

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.operatorDefs import OpDefinition
from hwt.hdl.types.array import HArray
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BIT
from hwt.hdl.types.hdlType import HdlType
from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct
from hwt.interfaces.std import Signal, Clk, Rst, Rst_n
from hwt.interfaces.structIntf import HdlType_to_Interface, StructIntf
from hwt.synthesizer.hObjList import HObjList
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.getDefaultClkRts import getClk, getRst
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases import UnitBase, InterfaceBase
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.constants import NOT_SPECIFIED
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.netlist import RtlNetlist
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSyncSignal import RtlSyncSignal
from ipCorePackager.constants import INTF_DIRECTION

[docs]def getSignalName(sig): """ Name getter which works for RtlSignal and Interface instances as well """ try: return sig._name except AttributeError: pass return
[docs]def getInterfaceName(top: "Unit", io: Union[InterfaceBase, RtlSignal, Tuple[Union[InterfaceBase, RtlSignal]]]): if isinstance(io, InterfaceBase): prefix = [] parent = io._parent while parent is not None: if parent is top: break prefix.append(parent._name) parent = parent._parent n = io._getFullName() if prefix: prefix.reverse() prefix.append(n) return ".".join(prefix) else: return n elif isinstance(io, tuple): return f"({', '.join(getInterfaceName(top, _io) for _io in io)})" else: return getSignalName(io)
[docs]@internal def _default_param_updater(self, myP, otherP_val): myP.set_value(otherP_val)
[docs]@internal def _normalize_default_value_dict_for_interface_array(root_val: dict, val: Union[dict, list, None], name_prefix: str, hobj_list: HObjList, neutral_value): """ This function is called to convert data in format .. code-block:: python {"x": [3, 4]} # into {"x_0": 3, "x_1": 4} This is required because the items of HObjList are stored in _interfaces as a separate items and thus we can not resolve the value association otherwise. """ for i, intf in enumerate(hobj_list): if val is neutral_value: continue elif isinstance(val, dict): _val = val.get(i, neutral_value) else: _val = val[i] if _val is neutral_value: continue elm_name = f"{name_prefix:s}_{i:d}" if isinstance(intf, HObjList): _normalize_default_value_dict_for_interface_array(root_val, _val, elm_name, intf, neutral_value) else: root_val[elm_name] = _val
[docs]@internal def _instantiate_signals(intf: Union[Signal, HObjList, StructIntf], clk: Clk, rst: Union[Rst, Rst_n], def_val, nop_val, signal_create_fn): intf._direction = INTF_DIRECTION.UNKNOWN if isinstance(intf, Signal): name = intf._getHdlName() intf._sig = signal_create_fn( name, intf._dtype, clk, rst, def_val, nop_val) intf._sig._interface = intf elif isinstance(intf, HObjList): intf_len = len(intf) if isinstance(def_val, dict): for k in def_val.keys(): assert k > 0 and k < intf_len, ("Default value for", intf, " specifies ", k, " which is not present on interface") elif def_val is not None: assert len(def_val) == intf_len, ("Default value does not have same size, ", len(def_val), intf_len, intf) if isinstance(nop_val, dict): for k in nop_val.keys(): assert k > 0 and k < intf_len, ("Nop value for", intf, " specifies ", k, " which is not present on interface") elif nop_val is not NOT_SPECIFIED: assert len(nop_val) == intf_len, ("Nop value does not have same size, ", len(nop_val), intf_len, intf) for i, elm in enumerate(intf): if def_val is None: _def_val = None elif isinstance(def_val, dict): _def_val = def_val.get(i, None) else: _def_val = def_val[i] if nop_val is NOT_SPECIFIED: _nop_val = NOT_SPECIFIED elif isinstance(nop_val, dict): _nop_val = nop_val.get(i, NOT_SPECIFIED) else: _nop_val = nop_val[i] _instantiate_signals(elm, clk, rst, _def_val, _nop_val, signal_create_fn) else: if def_val is not None: for k in tuple(def_val.keys()): _i = getattr(intf, k, NOT_SPECIFIED) assert _i is not NOT_SPECIFIED, ("Default value for", intf, " specifies ", k, " which is not present on interface") if isinstance(_i, HObjList): _normalize_default_value_dict_for_interface_array( def_val, def_val[k], k, _i, None) if nop_val is not NOT_SPECIFIED: for k in tuple(nop_val.keys()): _i = getattr(intf, k, NOT_SPECIFIED) assert _i is not NOT_SPECIFIED, ("Nop value for", intf, " specifies ", k, " which is not present on interface") if isinstance(_i, HObjList): _normalize_default_value_dict_for_interface_array( nop_val, nop_val[k], k, _i, NOT_SPECIFIED) for elm in intf._interfaces: name = elm._name if def_val is None: _def_val = None else: _def_val = def_val.get(name, None) if nop_val is NOT_SPECIFIED: _nop_val = NOT_SPECIFIED else: _nop_val = nop_val.get(name, NOT_SPECIFIED) _instantiate_signals(elm, clk, rst, _def_val, _nop_val, signal_create_fn)
[docs]@internal def _loadDeclarations(intf_or_list: Union[HObjList, InterfaceBase], suggested_name: str): if isinstance(intf_or_list, HObjList): for i, intf in enumerate(intf_or_list): _loadDeclarations(intf, f"{suggested_name:s}_{i:d}") else: intf_or_list._name = suggested_name intf_or_list._loadDeclarations()
[docs]def Interface_without_registration( parent:UnitBase, container: Union[InterfaceBase, HObjList], suggested_name:str, def_val: Union[int, None, dict, list]=None, nop_val: Union[int, None, dict, list, "NOT_SPECIFIED"]=NOT_SPECIFIED): """ Load all parts of interface and construct signals in RtlNetlist context with an automatic name check, without need to explicitly add the interface in _interfaces list. """ _loadDeclarations(container, suggested_name) _instantiate_signals( container, None, None, def_val, nop_val, lambda name, dtype, clk, rst, def_val, nop_val: parent._sig(name, dtype, def_val=def_val, nop_val=nop_val)) container._parent = parent parent._private_interfaces.append(container) return container
[docs]class UnitImplHelpers(UnitBase):
[docs] def _reg(self, name: str, dtype: HdlType=BIT, def_val: Union[int, None, dict, list]=None, clk: Union[RtlSignalBase, None, Tuple[RtlSignalBase, OpDefinition]]=None, rst: Optional[RtlSignalBase]=None) -> RtlSyncSignal: """ Create RTL FF register in this unit :param def_val: s default value of this register, if this value is specified reset signal of this component is used to generate a reset logic :param clk: optional clock signal specification, (signal or tuple(signal, edge type (AllOps.RISING_EDGE/FALLING_EDGE))) :param rst: optional reset signal specification :note: rst/rst_n resolution is done from signal type, if it is negated type the reset signal is interpreted as rst_n :note: if clk or rst is not specified default signal from parent unit instance will be used """ if clk is None: clk = getClk(self) if def_val is None: # if no value is specified reset is not required rst = None elif rst is None: rst = getRst(self) if isinstance(dtype, (HStruct, HArray)): container = HdlType_to_Interface().apply(dtype) _loadDeclarations(container, name) _instantiate_signals( container, clk, rst, def_val, NOT_SPECIFIED, lambda name, dtype, clk, rst, def_val, nop_val: self._reg(name, dtype, def_val=def_val, clk=clk, rst=rst)) container._parent = self return container else: # primitive data type signal return self._ctx.sig( name, dtype=dtype, clk=clk, syncRst=rst, def_val=def_val )
[docs] def _sig(self, name: str, dtype: HdlType=BIT, def_val: Union[int, None, dict, list]=None, nop_val: Union[int, None, dict, list, "NOT_SPECIFIED"]=NOT_SPECIFIED) -> RtlSignal: """ Create signal in this unit :see: :func:`hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.netlist.RtlNetlist.sig` """ if isinstance(dtype, HStruct): container = HdlType_to_Interface().apply(dtype) return Interface_without_registration(self, container, name, def_val=def_val, nop_val=nop_val) else: # primitive data type signal return self._ctx.sig(name, dtype=dtype, def_val=def_val, nop_val=nop_val)
[docs] @internal def _cleanAsSubunit(self): """ Disconnect internal signals so unit can be reused by parent unit """ for i in chain(self._interfaces, self._private_interfaces): i._clean()
[docs] @internal def _signalsForSubUnitEntity(self, context: RtlNetlist, prefix: str): """ generate signals in this context for all ports of this subunit """ for i in self._interfaces: if i._isExtern: i._signalsForInterface(context, None, None, prefix=prefix + i._NAME_SEPARATOR)