Source code for hwt.hdl.operatorDefs

from operator import floordiv, add, sub, inv, mod, mul, ne, and_, or_, \
    xor, gt, ge, lt, le, getitem, neg

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import INT, SLICE
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue

[docs]def _getVal(v): while not isinstance(v, HValue): v = v._val return v
[docs]class OpDefinition(): """ Operator definition :ivar name of operator :ivar ~._evalFn: function which evaluates operands """
[docs] def __init__(self, evalFn, allowsAssignTo=False): = None # assigned automatically in AllOps self._evalFn = evalFn self.allowsAssignTo = allowsAssignTo
def __eq__(self, other): return type(self) == type(other) and == @internal def __hash__(self): return hash(
[docs] def eval(self, operator, simulator=None): """Load all operands and process them by self._evalFn""" operands = [_getVal(o) for o in operator.operands] return self._evalFn(*operands)
def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__:s} {}>"
[docs]def isEventDependentOp(operator): return operator in (AllOps.RISING_EDGE, AllOps.FALLING_EDGE)
[docs]def onRisingEdgeFn(a): return a._onRisingEdge()
[docs]def onFallingEdgeFn(a): return a._onFallingEdge()
[docs]def dotOpFn(a, name): return getattr(a, name)
# [TODO] downto / to are relict of vhdl and should be replaced with slice
[docs]def downtoFn(a, b): return SLICE.from_py(slice(a, b, -1))
[docs]def toFn(a, b): return SLICE.from_py(slice(a, b, 1))
[docs]def concatFn(a, b): return a._concat(b)
[docs]def power(base, exp): return base ** exp
[docs]def eqFn(a, b): return a._eq(b)
[docs]def ternaryFn(a, b, c): return a._ternary(b, c)
[docs]def callFn(fn, *operands, **kwargs): return fn(*operands, **kwargs)
[docs]def bitsToIntFn(a): return a._auto_cast(INT)
[docs]def intToBitsFn(a, t): return a._auto_cast(t)
[docs]def bitsAsSignedFn(a): return a._signed()
[docs]def bitsAsUnsignedFn(a): return a._unsigned()
[docs]def bitsAsVec(a): return a._vec()
[docs]class AllOps(): """ :attention: Remember that and operator "and" is & and "or" is \|, "and" and "or" can not be used because they can not be overloaded :attention: These are operators of internal AST, they are not equal to verilog or vhdl operators """ RISING_EDGE = OpDefinition(onRisingEdgeFn) # unnecessary FALLING_EDGE = OpDefinition(onFallingEdgeFn) # unnecessary MINUS_UNARY = OpDefinition(neg) DIV = OpDefinition(floordiv) ADD = OpDefinition(add) SUB = OpDefinition(sub) POW = OpDefinition(power) MOD = OpDefinition(mod) MUL = OpDefinition(mul) NOT = OpDefinition(inv, allowsAssignTo=True) XOR = OpDefinition(xor) AND = OpDefinition(and_) OR = OpDefinition(or_) DOT = OpDefinition(dotOpFn) DOWNTO = OpDefinition(downtoFn) TO = OpDefinition(toFn) CONCAT = OpDefinition(concatFn, allowsAssignTo=True) EQ = OpDefinition(eqFn) NE = OpDefinition(ne) GT = OpDefinition(gt) GE = OpDefinition(ge) LT = OpDefinition(lt) LE = OpDefinition(le) INDEX = OpDefinition(getitem, allowsAssignTo=True) TERNARY = OpDefinition(ternaryFn) CALL = OpDefinition(callFn) BitsAsSigned = OpDefinition(bitsAsSignedFn, allowsAssignTo=True) BitsAsUnsigned = OpDefinition(bitsAsUnsignedFn, allowsAssignTo=True) BitsAsVec = OpDefinition(bitsAsVec, allowsAssignTo=True)
for a_name in dir(AllOps): o = getattr(AllOps, a_name) if isinstance(o, OpDefinition): = a_name CAST_OPS = (AllOps.BitsAsVec, AllOps.BitsAsSigned, AllOps.BitsAsUnsigned) BITWISE_OPS = (AllOps.NOT, AllOps.XOR, AllOps.AND, AllOps.OR) COMPARE_OPS = (AllOps.EQ, AllOps.NE, AllOps.GT, AllOps.GE, AllOps.LT, AllOps.LE) # change of compare operator on operand order swap CMP_OP_SWAP = { AllOps.EQ: AllOps.EQ, AllOps.NE: AllOps.NE, AllOps.GT: AllOps.LT, AllOps.GE: AllOps.LE, AllOps.LT: AllOps.GT, AllOps.LE: AllOps.GE, } CMP_OPS_NEG = { AllOps.EQ: AllOps.NE, AllOps.NE: AllOps.EQ, AllOps.GT: AllOps.LE, AllOps.GE: AllOps.LT, AllOps.LT: AllOps.GE, AllOps.LE: AllOps.GT, } # always commutative operators for which order of operands does not matter ALWAYS_COMMUTATIVE_OPS = (AllOps.EQ, AllOps.NE, AllOps.XOR, AllOps.AND, AllOps.OR, AllOps.ADD, AllOps.MUL) # always commutative associative operators for which order of operands in expression tree does not matter ALWAYS_ASSOCIATIVE_COMMUTATIVE_OPS = (AllOps.XOR, AllOps.AND, AllOps.OR, AllOps.ADD, AllOps.MUL) EVENT_OPS = (AllOps.RISING_EDGE, AllOps.FALLING_EDGE)