Source code for hwt.hdl.transTmpl

from builtins import isinstance
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Callable, Tuple, Generator, Union, Optional

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.types.array import HArray
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.hdlType import HdlType
from import HStream
from hwt.hdl.types.struct import HStruct, HStructField
from hwt.hdl.types.union import HUnion
from hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery import iter_with_last
from hwt.synthesizer.typePath import TypePath

[docs]def _default_shouldEnterFn(transTmpl: 'TransTmpl') -> Tuple[bool, bool]: return (bool(transTmpl.children), not bool(transTmpl.children))
[docs]class TransTmpl(object): """ Transaction template for types of constant size Container of informations about frames generated from any HType (HStruct etc.) * contains precalculated address range for all members of type :note: Array/Stream items are are stored as a single instance so the memory consumption of this object is entirely independent on size of arrays which it describes. :ivar ~.dtype: type of this item :ivar ~.bitAddr: offset of start of this item in bits :ivar ~.bitAddrEnd: end of this item in bits :ivar ~.parent: object which generated this item, optional TransTmpl :ivar ~.origin: object which was template for generating of this item :ivar ~.itemCnt: if this transaction template is for array or stream this is item count for such an array or stream :ivar ~.childrenAreChoice: flag which tells if children are sequence or only one of them can be used in same time :ivar rel_field_path: path in original data type relative to parent """
[docs] def __init__(self, dtype: HdlType, bitAddr: int=0, parent: Optional['TransTmpl']=None, origin: Optional[HStructField]=None, rel_field_path: TypePath=TypePath()): self.parent = parent assert isinstance(dtype, HdlType), dtype assert isinstance(rel_field_path, TypePath), rel_field_path assert parent is None or isinstance(parent, TransTmpl), parent if origin is None: origin = (dtype,) else: assert isinstance(origin, tuple), origin self.origin = origin self.dtype = dtype self.children = [] self.itemCnt = None self.rel_field_path = rel_field_path self._loadFromHType(dtype, bitAddr)
[docs] @internal def _loadFromBits(self, dtype: HdlType, bitAddr: int): """ Parse Bits type to this transaction template instance :return: address of it's end """ return bitAddr + dtype.bit_length()
[docs] @internal def _loadFromHStruct(self, dtype: HdlType, bitAddr: int): """ Parse HStruct type to this transaction template instance :return: address of it's end """ for f in dtype.fields: t = f.dtype isPadding = is None if isPadding: width = t.bit_length() bitAddr += width else: origin = (*self.origin, f) fi = TransTmpl(t, bitAddr, parent=self, origin=origin, rel_field_path=TypePath(,), ) self.children.append(fi) bitAddr = fi.bitAddrEnd return bitAddr
[docs] @internal def _loadFromUnion(self, dtype: HdlType, bitAddr: int) -> int: """ Parse HUnion type to this transaction template instance :return: address of it's end """ for f in dtype.fields.values(): ch = TransTmpl(f.dtype, 0, parent=self, origin=(*self.origin, f), rel_field_path=TypePath(,), ) self.children.append(ch) return bitAddr + dtype.bit_length()
[docs] @internal def _loadFromArray(self, dtype: HdlType, bitAddr: int) -> int: """ Parse HArray type to this transaction template instance :return: address of it's end """ self.itemCnt = int(dtype.size) self.children = TransTmpl( dtype.element_t, 0, parent=self, origin=(*self.origin, 0), rel_field_path=TypePath(0,) ) return bitAddr + self.itemCnt * self.children.bitAddrEnd
[docs] @internal def _loadFromHStream(self, dtype: HStream, bitAddr: int) -> int: """ Parse HStream type to this transaction template instance :return: address of it's end """ self.children = TransTmpl( dtype.element_t, 0, parent=self, origin=self.origin, rel_field_path=TypePath(0,)) if not isinstance(dtype.len_min, int) or dtype.len_min != dtype.len_max: raise ValueError("This template is ment only" " for types of constant and finite size") self.itemCnt = dtype.len_min return bitAddr + dtype.element_t.bit_length() * self.itemCnt
[docs] def _loadFromHType(self, dtype: HdlType, bitAddr: int) -> None: """ Parse any HDL type to this transaction template instance """ self.bitAddr = bitAddr childrenAreChoice = False if isinstance(dtype, Bits): ld = self._loadFromBits elif isinstance(dtype, HStruct): ld = self._loadFromHStruct elif isinstance(dtype, HArray): ld = self._loadFromArray elif isinstance(dtype, HStream): ld = self._loadFromHStream elif isinstance(dtype, HUnion): ld = self._loadFromUnion childrenAreChoice = True else: raise TypeError("expected instance of HdlType", dtype) self.bitAddrEnd = ld(dtype, bitAddr) self.childrenAreChoice = childrenAreChoice
[docs] def bit_length(self) -> int: """ :return: number of bits in this transaction """ return self.bitAddrEnd - self.bitAddr
[docs] def walkFlatten(self, offset: int=0, shouldEnterFn=_default_shouldEnterFn ) -> Generator[ Union[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], 'TransTmpl'], 'OneOfTransaction'], None, None]: """ Walk fields in instance of TransTmpl :param offset: optional offset for all children in this TransTmpl :param shouldEnterFn: function (transTmpl) which returns True when field should be split on it's children :param shouldEnterFn: function(transTmpl) which should return (shouldEnter, shouldUse) where shouldEnter is flag that means iterator should look inside of this actual object and shouldUse flag means that this field should be used (=generator should yield it) :return: generator of tuples ((startBitAddress, endBitAddress), TransTmpl instance) """ t = self.dtype base = self.bitAddr + offset end = self.bitAddrEnd + offset shouldEnter, shouldYield = shouldEnterFn(self) if shouldYield: yield ((base, end), self) if shouldEnter: if isinstance(t, Bits): pass elif isinstance(t, HStruct): for c in self.children: yield from c.walkFlatten( offset, shouldEnterFn) elif isinstance(t, (HArray, HStream)): itemSize = (self.bitAddrEnd - self.bitAddr) // self.itemCnt for i in range(self.itemCnt): if i == 0: c = self.children else: # spot a new array item c = deepcopy(self.children) assert c.rel_field_path == (0,), c.rel_field_path # replace the index c.rel_field_path = TypePath(i, ) yield from c.walkFlatten( base + i * itemSize, shouldEnterFn) elif isinstance(t, HUnion): yield OneOfTransaction(self, offset, shouldEnterFn, self.children) else: raise TypeError(t)
[docs] def getFieldPath(self): """ Get field path which specifies the location in original HdlType data type """ path = [] tmpl = self while tmpl is not None: path.extend(reversed(tmpl.rel_field_path)) tmpl = tmpl.parent return TypePath(*reversed(path))
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) memo[id(self)] = result for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): setattr(result, k, deepcopy(v, memo)) c = self.children if isinstance(c, TransTmpl): c.parent = self else: for _c in c: _c.parent = self return result def __repr__(self, offset: int=0): offsetStr = "".join([" " for _ in range(offset)]) try: name = self.origin[-1].name except (AttributeError, IndexError): name = None if name: name = f" name:{name:s}," else: name = "" s = f"{offsetStr:s}<TransTmpl{name} start:{self.bitAddr:d}, end:{self.bitAddrEnd:d}" if isinstance(self.dtype, (HArray, HStream)): s_buff = [ s, f", itemCnt:{self.itemCnt:d}\n", self.children.__repr__(offset=offset + 1), "\n", offsetStr, ">" ] return "".join(s_buff) elif not self.children: return s + ">" buff = [s, ] for isLast, child in iter_with_last(self.children): buff.append(child.__repr__(offset=offset + 1)) if self.childrenAreChoice and not isLast: buff.append(offsetStr + " <OR>") buff.append(offsetStr + ">") return "\n".join(buff)
[docs]class OneOfTransaction(object): """ Container of possible transactions for transactions deriverd from HUnion type :ivar ~.parent: parent TransTmpl instance :ivar ~.offset: bit addr offset in parent type structure :ivar ~.shouldEnterFn: function(transTmpl) which should return (shouldEnter, shouldUse) where shouldEnter is flag that means iterator should look inside of this actual object and shouldUse flag means that this field should be used (=generator should yield it) :ivar ~.possibleTransactions: tuple of TransTmpl instances from which only one can be used in same time """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent: TransTmpl, offset: int, shouldEnterFn: Callable[[TransTmpl], Tuple[bool, bool]], possibleTransactions: Tuple[TransTmpl]): self.parent = parent self.offset = offset self.shouldEnterFn = shouldEnterFn self.possibleTransactions = possibleTransactions
[docs] def walkFlattenChilds(self) -> Generator[ Union[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], TransTmpl], 'OneOfTransaction'], None, None]: """ :return: generator of generators of tuples ((startBitAddress, endBitAddress), TransTmpl instance) for each possiblility in this transaction """ for p in self.possibleTransactions: yield p.walkFlatten(offset=self.offset, shouldEnterFn=self.shouldEnterFn)