Source code for hwt.hdl.types.hdlType

from enum import Enum

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.synthesizer.exceptions import TypeConversionErr

[docs]class MethodNotOverloaded(NotImplementedError): pass
[docs]@internal def default_reinterpret_cast_fn(typeFrom, sigOrVal, toType): raise TypeConversionErr( "Reinterpretation of %r of type \n%r to type %r is not implemented", (sigOrVal, typeFrom, toType))
[docs]@internal def default_auto_cast_fn(typeFrom, sigOrVal, toType): raise TypeConversionErr( "Conversion of %r of type \n%r to type %r is not implemented", (sigOrVal, typeFrom, toType))
[docs]class HdlType(): """ Base class for all hardware related types. :ivar ~._auto_cast_fn: convert function (attribute set on first convert function call) :ivar ~._reinterpret_cast_fn: reinterpret function (attribute set on first convert function call) """
[docs] def __init__(self, const=False): self.const = const
[docs] def _from_py(self, v, vld_mask): """ same as from_py just without type checks """ return self.getValueCls()._from_py(self, v, vld_mask)
[docs] def from_py(self, v, vld_mask=None): """ Construct value of this type. Delegated on value class for this type """ if isinstance(v, Enum): v = v.value return self.getValueCls().from_py(self, v, vld_mask=vld_mask)
[docs] def auto_cast(self, sigOrVal, toType): """ Cast value or signal of this type to another compatible type. :param sigOrVal: instance of signal or value to cast :param toType: instance of HdlType to cast into """ if sigOrVal._dtype == toType: return sigOrVal try: c = self._auto_cast_fn except AttributeError: c = self.get_auto_cast_fn() self._auto_cast_fn = c return c(self, sigOrVal, toType)
[docs] def reinterpret_cast(self, sigOrVal, toType): """ Cast value or signal of this type to another type of same size. :param sigOrVal: instance of signal or value to cast :param toType: instance of HdlType to cast into """ try: return self.auto_cast(sigOrVal, toType) except TypeConversionErr: pass try: r = self._reinterpret_cast_fn except AttributeError: r = self.get_reinterpret_cast_fn() self._reinterpret_cast_fn = r return r(self, sigOrVal, toType)
[docs] @internal @classmethod def get_auto_cast_fn(cls): """ Get method for converting type """ return default_auto_cast_fn
[docs] @internal @classmethod def get_reinterpret_cast_fn(cls): """ Get method for converting type """ return default_reinterpret_cast_fn
[docs] @internal @classmethod def getValueCls(cls): """ :attention: Overrode in implementation of concrete HdlType. :return: class for value derived from this type """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def _as_hdl(self, to_Hdl: "ToHdlAst", declaration): raise MethodNotOverloaded()
[docs] def _as_hdl_requires_def(self, to_Hdl: "ToHdlAst", other_types: list): raise MethodNotOverloaded()
def __getitem__(self, key): """ [] operator to create an array of this type. """ assert int(key) > 0, key # array has to have some items from hwt.hdl.types.array import HArray return HArray(self, key) def __repr__(self, indent=0, withAddr=None, expandStructs=False): """ :param indent: number of indentation :param withAddr: if is not None is used as a additional information about on which address this type is stored (used only by HStruct) :param expandStructs: expand HStructTypes (used by HStruct and Array) """ name = getattr(self, "name", "") return f"<{self.__class__.__name__:s} {name:s}>"