Source code for hwt.hdl.types.struct

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.types.hdlType import HdlType
from hwt.hdl.types.structValBase import StructValBase
from hwt.serializer.generic.indent import getIndent

[docs]class HStructFieldMeta(): """ Meta for field in struct type :ivar ~.split: flag which specifies if structured data type of this field should be synchronized as a one interface or each it's part should be synchronized separately """
[docs] def __init__(self, split=False): self.split = split
def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False return self.split == other.split @internal def __hash__(self): return hash(self.split)
[docs]class HStructField(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, typ: HdlType, name: str, meta=None): assert isinstance(name, str) or name is None, name assert isinstance(typ, HdlType), typ = name self.dtype = typ self.meta = meta
def __eq__(self, other): return == and\ self.dtype == other.dtype and\ self.meta == other.meta def __hash__(self): return hash((, self.dtype, self.meta)) def __repr__(self): name = if name is None: name = "<padding>" return f"<HStructField {self.dtype}, {name:s}>"
protectedNames = {"clone", "staticEval", "from_py", "_dtype"}
[docs]class HStruct(HdlType): """ HDL structure type :ivar ~.fields: tuple of :class:`~.HStructField` instances in this struct :ivar name of this HStruct type :ivar ~.field_by_name: dictionary which maps the name of the field to :class:`~.HStructField` instance :ivar ~.valueCls: Class of value for this type as usual in HdlType implementations """
[docs] def __init__(self, *template, name=None, const=False): """ :param template: list of tuples (type, name) or :class:`~.HStructField` objects name can be None (= padding) :param name: optional name used for debugging purposes """ super(HStruct, self).__init__(const=const) fields = [] field_by_name = {} = name bit_length = 0 for f in template: try: field = HStructField(*f) except TypeError: field = f if not isinstance(field, HStructField): raise TypeError(f"Template for struct field {f} is" " not in valid format") fields.append(field) if is not None: assert not in field_by_name, field_by_name[] = field t = field.dtype if bit_length is not None: try: _bit_length = t.bit_length() bit_length += _bit_length except TypeError: bit_length = None self.fields = tuple(fields) self.field_by_name = field_by_name self.__hash = hash((, self.const, self.fields)) self.__bit_length_val = bit_length usedNames = set(field_by_name.keys()) assert not protectedNames.intersection(usedNames),\ protectedNames.intersection(usedNames) class StructVal(StructValBase): __slots__ = list(usedNames) if name is not None: StructVal.__name__ = name + "Val" self.valueCls = StructVal
[docs] def bit_length(self): bl = self.__bit_length_val if bl is None: raise TypeError("Can not request bit_lenght on type" " which has not fixed size") else: return self.__bit_length_val
[docs] @internal def getValueCls(self): return self.valueCls
[docs] @internal @classmethod def get_reinterpret_cast_fn(cls): from hwt.hdl.types.structCast import hstruct_reinterpret return hstruct_reinterpret
@internal def __fields__eq__(self, other): if len(self.fields) != len(other.fields): return False for sf, of in zip(self.fields, other.fields): if ( != or sf.dtype != of.dtype or sf.meta != of.meta): return False return True def __eq__(self, other): if self is other: return True if (type(self) is type(other)): if != or self.const != other.const: return False try: self_l = self.bit_length() except TypeError: self_l = -1 try: other_l = other.bit_length() except TypeError: other_l = -1 return self_l == other_l and self.__fields__eq__(other) return False @internal def __hash__(self): return self.__hash def __add__(self, other): """ override of addition, merge struct into one """ assert isinstance(other, HStruct) return HStruct(*self.fields, *other.fields) def __repr__(self, indent=0, withAddr=None, expandStructs=False): """ :param indent: number of indentation :param withAddr: if is not None is used as a additional information about on which address this type is stored (used only by HStruct) :param expandStructs: expand HStructTypes (used by HStruct and HArray) """ if name = + " " else: name = "" myIndent = getIndent(indent) childIndent = getIndent(indent + 1) header = f"{myIndent:s}struct {name:s}{{" buff = [header, ] for f in self.fields: if withAddr is not None: withAddr_B = withAddr // 8 addrTag = f" // start:0x{withAddr:x}(bit) 0x{withAddr_B:x}(byte)" else: addrTag = "" if is None: buff.append(f"{childIndent:s}//{f.dtype} empty space{addrTag:s}") else: buff.append("%s %s%s" % ( f.dtype.__repr__(indent=indent + 1, withAddr=withAddr, expandStructs=expandStructs),, addrTag)) if withAddr is not None: withAddr += f.dtype.bit_length() buff.append(f"{myIndent:s}}}") return "\n".join(buff)