Source code for hwt.interfaces.std_ip_defs

from typing import List

from hwt.interfaces.std import Rst, Rst_n, Clk
from hwt.pyUtils.arrayQuery import where
from hwt.serializer.ip_packager import IpPackager
from hwt.synthesizer.interface import Interface

from ipCorePackager.component import Component
from ipCorePackager.intfIpMeta import IntfIpMeta, VALUE_RESOLVE

[docs]class IP_Clk(IntfIpMeta):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "clock" self.version = "1.0" self.vendor = "" self.library = "signal" = 'CLK'
[docs] def postProcess(self, component: Component, packager: IpPackager, thisIf: Clk): rst = where( component.busInterfaces, lambda intf: (isinstance(intf, (Rst_n, Rst)) and intf._getAssociatedClk() is thisIf)) logicName = packager.getInterfaceLogicalName rst = list(rst) if rst: if len(rst) > 1: rst = [intf for intf in rst if intf._getAssociatedClk() is thisIf] if len(rst) > 0: raise AssertionError( "Multiple associated resets for this interface", thisIf) elif not rst: raise AssertionError("Multiple reset signals" " but none of them is associated", thisIf) rst = rst[0] self.addSimpleParam(logicName(thisIf), "ASSOCIATED_RESET", logicName(rst), resolve=VALUE_RESOLVE.NONE) else: rst = None associated_intfs = where( component.busInterfaces, lambda intf: (intf is not rst and intf is not self and not isinstance(intf, Clk) and intf._getAssociatedClk() is thisIf)) self.addSimpleParam(logicName(thisIf), "ASSOCIATED_BUSIF", ":".join( map(logicName, associated_intfs)), resolve=VALUE_RESOLVE.NONE) self.addSimpleParam(logicName(thisIf), "FREQ_HZ", str(thisIf.DEFAULT_FREQ), resolve=VALUE_RESOLVE.USER)
[docs] def asQuartusTcl(self, buff: List[str], version: str, component: Component, packager: IpPackager, thisIf: Interface): self.quartus_tcl_add_interface(buff, thisIf, packager) name = packager.getInterfacePhysicalName(thisIf) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "clockRate", 0) self.quartus_add_interface_port(buff, name, thisIf, "clk", packager)
[docs]class IP_Rst(IntfIpMeta):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "reset" self.version = "1.0" self.vendor = "" self.library = "signal" = "rst"
[docs] def postProcess(self, component: Component, packager: IpPackager, thisIf: Rst): self.addSimpleParam(packager.getInterfaceLogicalName(thisIf), "POLARITY", "ACTIVE_HIGH")
[docs] def asQuartusTcl(self, buff: List[str], version: str, component: Component, packager: IpPackager, thisIf: Interface): self.quartus_tcl_add_interface(buff, thisIf, packager) name = packager.getInterfacePhysicalName(thisIf) # self.quartus_prop("associatedClock", clock) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "synchronousEdges", "DEASSERT") self.quartus_add_interface_port(buff, name, thisIf, "reset", packager) clk = thisIf._getAssociatedClk() if clk is not None: self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "associatedClock", packager.getInterfacePhysicalName(clk), escapeStr=False)
[docs]class IP_Rst_n(IP_Rst):
[docs] def postProcess(self, component: Component, packager: IpPackager, thisIf: Rst_n): self.addSimpleParam( packager.getInterfaceLogicalName(thisIf), "POLARITY", "ACTIVE_LOW")
[docs] def asQuartusTcl(self, buff: List[str], version: str, component: Component, packager: IpPackager, thisIf: Interface): self.quartus_tcl_add_interface(buff, thisIf, packager) name = packager.getInterfacePhysicalName(thisIf) # [TODO] # self.quartus_prop("associatedClock", clock) self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "synchronousEdges", "DEASSERT") self.quartus_add_interface_port(buff, name, thisIf, "reset_n", packager) clk = thisIf._getAssociatedClk() if clk is not None: self.quartus_prop(buff, name, "associatedClock", packager.getInterfacePhysicalName(clk), escapeStr=False)
[docs]class IP_Handshake(IntfIpMeta):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "handshake" self.version = "1.0" self.vendor = "hwt" self.library = "user" = { "vld": "valid", "rd": "ready", "data": "data" }
[docs]class IP_BlockRamPort(IntfIpMeta):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "bram" self.version = "1.0" self.vendor = "" self.library = "interface" = { 'addr': "ADDR", "clk": 'CLK', 'din': "DIN", 'dout': "DOUT", 'en': "EN", 'we': "WE", }
[docs]class IP_FifoReader(IntfIpMeta):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "fifo_read" self.version = "1.0" self.vendor = "" self.library = "interface" = { 'data': "RD_DATA", "en": 'RD_EN', 'wait': "EMPTY", }
[docs]class IP_FifoWriter(IntfIpMeta):
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() = "fifo_write" self.version = "1.0" self.vendor = "" self.library = "interface" = { 'data': "WR_DATA", "en": 'WR_EN', 'wait': "FULL", }