Source code for hwt.simulator.agentBase

from hwt.synthesizer.exceptions import IntfLvlConfErr
from hwtSimApi.agents.base import AgentBase, SyncAgentBase as pcSyncAgentBase, \
    AgentWitReset as pcAgentWitReset
from hwtSimApi.hdlSimulator import HdlSimulator
from hwtSimApi.process_utils import OnRisingCallbackLoop

[docs]class AgentWitReset(pcAgentWitReset):
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator, intf, allowNoReset=False): pcAgentWitReset.__init__(self, sim, intf, (None, False)) self.rst, self.rstOffIn = self._discoverReset(intf, allowNoReset)
[docs] @classmethod def _discoverReset(cls, intf, allowNoReset): try: rst = intf._getAssociatedRst() rstOffIn = int(rst._dtype.negated) rst = rst._sigInside except IntfLvlConfErr: rst = None rstOffIn = True if not allowNoReset: raise return (rst, rstOffIn)
[docs] def notReset(self): if self.rst is None: return True else: rstVal = rstVal = int(rstVal) return rstVal == self.rstOffIn
[docs]class SyncAgentBase(AgentWitReset, pcSyncAgentBase): """ Agent which discovers clk, rst signal and runs only at specified edge of clk :attention: requires clk and rst/rstn signal (if you do not have any create simulation wrapper with it) """ SELECTED_EDGE_CALLBACK = OnRisingCallbackLoop
[docs] def __init__(self, sim: HdlSimulator, intf, allowNoReset=False): self.intf = intf clk = self.intf._getAssociatedClk() rst = self._discoverReset(intf, allowNoReset) pcSyncAgentBase.__init__( self, sim, intf, clk, rst)