Source code for hwt.simulator.rtlSimulator

from datetime import datetime
import importlib
from io import StringIO
import os
import sys
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Union, Optional, Set, Tuple, Callable

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.enum import HEnum
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue
from hwt.serializer.serializer_filter import SerializerFilterDoNotExclude
from hwt.serializer.simModel import SimModelSerializer
from hwt.serializer.store_manager import SaveToStream, SaveToFilesFlat
from hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform import DummyPlatform
from hwt.synthesizer.interface import Interface
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase
from hwt.synthesizer.unit import Unit
from hwt.synthesizer.utils import to_rtl
from pyDigitalWaveTools.vcd.common import VCD_SIG_TYPE
from pyDigitalWaveTools.vcd.value_format import VcdBitsFormatter, \
from pyDigitalWaveTools.vcd.writer import VcdVarWritingScope, \
from pyMathBitPrecise.bits3t import Bits3t
from pyMathBitPrecise.enum3t import Enum3t
from hwtSimApi.basic_hdl_simulator.model import BasicRtlSimModel
from hwtSimApi.basic_hdl_simulator.proxy import BasicRtlSimProxy
from hwtSimApi.basic_hdl_simulator.rtlSimulator import BasicRtlSimulator
from hwtSimApi.basic_hdl_simulator.sim_utils import ValueUpdater, \

[docs]class BasicRtlSimulatorWithSignalRegisterMethods(BasicRtlSimulator): supported_type_classes = tuple()
[docs] def __init__(self, model_cls, synthesised_unit): """ Only store variables for later construction """ self.model_cls = model_cls self.synthesised_unit = synthesised_unit self.wave_writer = None self._obj2scope = {} self._traced_signals = set()
def __call__(self) -> "BasicRtlSimulatorVcd": """ Create and initialize the BasicRtlSimulatorWithVCD object """ sim = self.__class__(self.model_cls, self.synthesised_unit) super(BasicRtlSimulatorWithSignalRegisterMethods, sim).__init__() model = self.model_cls(sim) model._init_body() sim.bound_model(model) return sim
[docs] def _init_listeners(self): self.logPropagation = False self.logApplyingValues = False
[docs] @classmethod def build(cls, unit: Unit, unique_name: str, build_dir: Optional[str], target_platform=DummyPlatform(), do_compile=True) -> "BasicRtlSimulatorVcd": """ Create a hwtSimApi.basic_hdl_simulator based simulation model for specified unit and load it to python :param unit: interface level unit which you wont prepare for simulation :param unique_name: unique name for build directory and python module with simulator :param target_platform: target platform for this synthesis :param build_dir: directory to store sim model build files, if None sim model will be constructed only in memory """ if unique_name is None: unique_name = unit._getDefaultName() _filter = SerializerFilterDoNotExclude() if build_dir is None or not do_compile: buff = StringIO() store_man = SaveToStream(SimModelSerializer, buff, _filter=_filter) else: if not os.path.isabs(build_dir): build_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), build_dir) build_private_dir = os.path.join(build_dir, unique_name) store_man = SaveToFilesFlat(SimModelSerializer, build_private_dir, _filter=_filter) store_man.module_path_prefix = unique_name to_rtl(unit, name=unique_name, target_platform=target_platform, store_manager=store_man) if build_dir is not None: d = build_dir dInPath = d in sys.path if not dInPath: sys.path.insert(0, d) if unique_name in sys.modules: del sys.modules[unique_name] simModule = importlib.import_module( unique_name + "." + unique_name, package='simModule_' + unique_name) if not dInPath: sys.path.pop(0) else: simModule = ModuleType('simModule_' + unique_name) # python supports only ~100 opened brackets; MemoryError: s_push: parser stack overflow # python supports only ~100 levels of indentation; IndentationError: too many levels of indentation exec(buff.getvalue(), simModule.__dict__) model_cls = simModule.__dict__[unit._name] # can not use just function as it would get bounded to class return cls(model_cls, unit)
[docs] @internal @staticmethod def get_trace_formatter(t)\ ->Tuple[str, int, Callable[[RtlSignalBase, HValue], str]]: """ :return: (vcd type name, vcd width, formatter fn) """ if isinstance(t, (Bits3t, Bits)): return (VCD_SIG_TYPE.WIRE, t.bit_length(), VcdBitsFormatter()) elif isinstance(t, (Enum3t, HEnum)): return (VCD_SIG_TYPE.REAL, 1, VcdEnumFormatter()) else: raise ValueError(t)
[docs] def set_trace_file(self, file_name, trace_depth): self.create_wave_writer(file_name) ww = self.wave_writer if ww is not None: ww.timescale(1) empty_hiearchy_containers = set() self._collect_empty_hiearchy_containers(self.synthesised_unit, self.model, empty_hiearchy_containers) self._wave_register_signals(self.synthesised_unit, self.model, None, empty_hiearchy_containers) ww.enddefinitions()
[docs] def create_wave_writer(self, file_name): self.wave_writer = None
[docs] def finalize(self): pass
[docs] def _collect_empty_hiearchy_containers(self, obj: Union[Interface, Unit], model: BasicRtlSimModel, res: Set[Union[Unit, Interface]]): intfs = getattr(obj, "_interfaces", None) isEmpty = True if intfs: for chIntf in intfs: isEmpty &= self._collect_empty_hiearchy_containers(chIntf, model, res) if isinstance(obj, Unit): seenNames: Set[str] = set() for chIntf in obj._private_interfaces: # skip io without name and with duplicit name if chIntf._name is not None and chIntf._name not in seenNames: seenNames.add(chIntf._name) isEmpty &= self._collect_empty_hiearchy_containers(chIntf, model, res) for u in obj._units: m = getattr(model, u._name + "_inst") if u._shared_component_with is not None: u, _, _ = u._shared_component_with isEmpty &= self._collect_empty_hiearchy_containers(u, m, res) if isEmpty: res.add(obj) else: s = obj._sigInside if s is not None: # _sigInside is None if the signal was optimized out sig_name = s = getattr(, sig_name, None) if s is not None: return False return isEmpty
[docs] def _wave_register_signals(self, obj: Union[Interface, Unit], model: BasicRtlSimModel, parent: Optional[VcdVarWritingScope], empty_hiearchy_containers: Set[Union[Unit, Interface]]): """ Register signals from interfaces for Interface or :class:`hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit` instances """ if obj in empty_hiearchy_containers: return if obj._interfaces: if isinstance(obj, Unit): name = model._name else: name = obj._name parent_ = self.wave_writer if parent is None else parent subScope = parent_.varScope(name) self._obj2scope[obj] = subScope with subScope: # register all subinterfaces for chIntf in obj._interfaces: self._wave_register_signals(chIntf, model, subScope, empty_hiearchy_containers) if isinstance(obj, Unit): for chIntf in obj._private_interfaces: # skip io without name and with duplicit name if chIntf._name is not None and chIntf._name not in subScope.children: self._wave_register_signals(chIntf, model, subScope, empty_hiearchy_containers) # register interfaces from all subunits for u in obj._units: m = getattr(model, u._name + "_inst") if u._shared_component_with is not None: u, _, _ = u._shared_component_with self._wave_register_signals(u, m, subScope, empty_hiearchy_containers) self._wave_register_remaining_signals(subScope, model, empty_hiearchy_containers) else: t = obj._dtype if obj._sigInside is not None and isinstance(t, self.supported_type_classes): s = obj._sigInside #if isinstance(s, BasicRtlSimProxy): sig_name = s = getattr(, sig_name, None) if s is not None: tName, width, formatter = self.get_trace_formatter(t) try: parent.addVar(s, sig_name, tName, width, formatter) except VarAlreadyRegistered: pass
[docs] def _wave_register_remaining_signals(self, unitScope, model: BasicRtlSimModel, interface_signals: Set[BasicRtlSimProxy]): for s in model._interfaces: if s not in interface_signals and s not in self.wave_writer._idScope: t = s._dtype if isinstance(t, self.supported_type_classes): tName, width, formatter = self.get_trace_formatter(t) try: unitScope.addVar(s, s._name, tName, width, formatter) except VarAlreadyRegistered: pass
[docs] def logChange(self, nowTime: int, sig: BasicRtlSimProxy, nextVal: HValue, valueUpdater: Union[ValueUpdater, ArrayValueUpdater]): """ This method is called for every value change of any signal. """ pass