Source code for hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.interfaceUtils.utils

from typing import Union

from hwt.hdl.constants import DIRECTION
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.bitsVal import BitsVal
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import BIT
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase

[docs]class NotSpecified(Exception): """ This error means that you need to implement this function to use this functionality e.g. you have to implement Simulation agent for interface when you create new one and you can not use existing """ pass
[docs]def walkPhysInterfaces(intf): if intf._interfaces: for si in intf._interfaces: yield from walkPhysInterfaces(si) else: yield intf
[docs]def connectPacked(srcPacked, dstInterface, exclude=None): """ Connect 1D vector signal to this structuralized interface (LSB of first interface is LSB of result) :param packedSrc: vector which should be connected :param dstInterface: structuralized interface where should packedSrc be connected to :param exclude: sub interfaces of self which should be excluded """ offset = 0 connections = [] for i in list(walkPhysInterfaces(dstInterface)): if exclude is not None and i in exclude: continue sig = i._sig t = sig._dtype w = t.bit_length() if w == 1: if srcPacked._dtype.bit_length() == 1: s = srcPacked else: s = srcPacked[offset] offset += 1 else: s = srcPacked[(w + offset): offset] # src is likely to have insuficient amount of bits offset += w connections.append(sig(s)) return connections
[docs]def walkFlatten(interface, shouldEnterIntfFn): """ :param shouldEnterIntfFn: function (actual interface) returns tuple (shouldEnter, shouldYield) """ _shouldEnter, _shouldYield = shouldEnterIntfFn(interface) if _shouldYield: yield interface if shouldEnterIntfFn: for intf in interface._interfaces: yield from walkFlatten(intf, shouldEnterIntfFn)
[docs]def packIntf(intf, masterDirEqTo=DIRECTION.OUT, exclude=None) -> Union[BitsVal, RtlSignalBase[Bits]]: """ Concatenate all signals to one big signal, recursively (LSB of first interface is LSB of result) :param masterDirEqTo: only signals with this direction are packed :param exclude: sequence of signals/interfaces to exclude """ if not intf._interfaces: if intf._masterDir == masterDirEqTo: return intf._sig return None res = None for i in intf._interfaces: if exclude is not None and i in exclude: continue if i._interfaces: if i._masterDir == DIRECTION.IN: d = DIRECTION.opposite(masterDirEqTo) else: d = masterDirEqTo s = packIntf(i, masterDirEqTo=d, exclude=exclude) else: if i._masterDir == masterDirEqTo: s = i._sig else: s = None if s is not None: if res is None: res = s._reinterpret_cast(Bits(s._dtype.bit_length())) else: res = s._concat(res) return res