Source code for hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.extract_part_drivers

from itertools import islice
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Union, Optional, Sequence

from hwt.code import Concat
from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.operator import isConst
from hwt.hdl.statements.assignmentContainer import HdlAssignmentContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.codeBlockContainer import HdlStmCodeBlockContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.ifContainter import IfContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.statement import HdlStatement
from hwt.hdl.statements.switchContainer import SwitchContainer
from hwt.hdl.types.bits import Bits
from hwt.hdl.types.bitsVal import BitsVal
from hwt.hdl.types.defs import SLICE
from hwt.hdl.types.sliceVal import HSliceVal
from hwt.hdl.value import HValue
from hwt.pyUtils.uniqList import UniqList
from hwt.serializer.utils import RtlSignal_sort_key, HdlStatement_sort_key
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.constants import NOT_SPECIFIED
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal

[docs]def _format_indexes(indexes): return tuple( (int(i) + 1, int(i)) if isinstance(i, BitsVal) else (int(i.val.start), int(i.val.stop)) for i in indexes)
[docs]@internal def construct_tmp_dst_sig_for_slice(dst: RtlSignal, indexes: List[Union[BitsVal, HSliceVal]], src: Optional[RtlSignal], is_signal_needed: bool) -> RtlSignal: """ Construct a tmp signal or value which will be used instead of slice from original signal :param dst: a signal which slice we want to generate tmp signal for :param indexes: a indexes to specify the slice of the dst :param is_signal_needed: True if we need a signal which will we drive later, else returns HValue instance resolved from default and nop value """ if is_signal_needed: name = def_val = dst.def_val nop_val = dst._nop_val for i in indexes: def_val = def_val[i] if nop_val is not NOT_SPECIFIED: nop_val = nop_val[i] if is_signal_needed: dst = dst[i] if isinstance(i, HSliceVal): if int(i.val.step) == -1: stop = int(i.val.stop) start = int(i.val.start) name = f"{name}_{start - 1:d}downto{stop:d}" else: raise NotImplementedError(i.val.step) else: _i = int(i) name = f"{name:s}_{_i:d}" if is_signal_needed: tmp_sig = dst.ctx.sig(name, dst._dtype, def_val=def_val, nop_val=nop_val) return tmp_sig elif src is not None: return src elif nop_val is not NOT_SPECIFIED: return nop_val else: return def_val
[docs]def resolve_splitpoints(s: RtlSignal, parts): split_points = set() add_split_point = split_points.add for i, _, _ in parts: if len(i) != 1: raise NotImplementedError(s, i) i = i[0] if isinstance(i, BitsVal): # index is normal integer i = int(i) add_split_point(i) add_split_point(i + 1) else: # index is slice assert isinstance(i, HSliceVal), (s, i) add_split_point(int(i.val.start)) add_split_point(int(i.val.stop)) if isinstance(s._dtype, Bits): # add boundary points in the case something is unconnected add_split_point(0) add_split_point(s._dtype.bit_length()) else: raise NotImplementedError(s._dtype) return split_points
[docs]class RtlNetlistPassExtractPartDrivers(): """ Split parts of bit vectors so each segment has an unique variable. .. code-block:: verilog if (c0) s[0] <= x; if (c1) s[1] <= y; to .. code-block:: verilog wire s_0_tmp; wire s_1_tmp; assign s <= {s_1_tmp, s_0_tmp}; if (c0) s_0_tmp <= x; if (c1) s_1_tmp <= y; """
[docs] @classmethod def find_independent_slice_drivers(cls, stm: HdlStatement): if isinstance(stm, HdlAssignmentContainer): if stm.indexes and len(stm.indexes) == 1 and isinstance(stm.dst._dtype, Bits): dst = stm.dst for i in stm.indexes: if not isConst(i): return can_directly_replace_with_src_expr = stm.parentStm is None yield ( dst, tuple(stm.indexes), can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, stm.src if can_directly_replace_with_src_expr else None ) else: for _stm in stm._iter_stms(): yield from cls.find_independent_slice_drivers(_stm)
[docs] @classmethod def find_all_independent_slice_drivers(cls, statements: Sequence[HdlStatement]): for stm in sorted(statements, key=HdlStatement_sort_key): for s, indexes, can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, src in cls.find_independent_slice_drivers(stm): yield s, indexes, can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, src
[docs] @classmethod def _collect_indexes_on_variables(cls, statements: Sequence[HdlStatement]): signal_parts = {} for s, indexes, can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, src in cls.find_all_independent_slice_drivers(statements): signal_parts.setdefault(s, []).append((indexes, can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, src)) return signal_parts
[docs] @classmethod def resolve_final_parts_from_splitpoints_and_parts(cls, signal_parts): final_signal_parts: Dict[RtlSignal, Dict[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], ...], Union[HValue, RtlSignal]]] = {} # split part intervals to non-overlapping chunks for s, parts in sorted(signal_parts.items(), key=lambda x: RtlSignal_sort_key(x[0])): split_point = resolve_splitpoints(s, parts) split_point = sorted(split_point) # prepare part signals new_parts = [] new_parts_dict = {} split_i = 0 end = 0 # :attention: parts are likely to contain parts with same indexes for indexes, can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, src in sorted(parts, key=lambda x: x[0]): if len(indexes) != 1: raise NotImplementedError() i = indexes[0] split_p = split_point[split_i] if isinstance(i, BitsVal): low = int(i) high = low + 1 index_key = ((high, low),) else: assert isinstance(i, HSliceVal), (s, i) if i.val.step != -1: raise NotImplementedError(s, i) high, low = int(i.val.start), int(i.val.stop) index_key = ((high, low),) while split_p < low: # some parts at the beginning are skipped # that means that that part is not driven by anything # and we need to check default and nop value part_indexes = (SLICE.from_py(slice(low, split_p , -1)),) _src = construct_tmp_dst_sig_for_slice(s, part_indexes, None, isinstance(s._nop_val, RtlSignal)) new_parts.append(_src) _index_key = ((low, split_p),) new_parts_dict[_index_key] = _src, True split_i += 1 split_p = split_point[split_i] this_start_split_p_i = split_i if split_p > low: # some parts at the beginning were already resolved # This can happen if there was some part which started on some <= index and overlaps with this part. try: _, _can_directly_replace_with_src_expr = new_parts_dict[index_key] assert not _can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, (s, index_key) # was already resolved and checked no need to check it again continue except KeyError: pass for i in range(split_i, -1, -1): _sp = split_point[i] if _sp == low: this_start_split_p_i = i assert split_point[this_start_split_p_i] == low # just at the start of this slice next_split_p = split_point[this_start_split_p_i + 1] assert next_split_p <= high, "The next split point can be at most end of current part" if next_split_p == high: assert this_start_split_p_i == split_i, "We should see this part for the first time or the split_i should already be higher" # all bits on this slice are alwyas driven at once, we can instantiate whole part assert split_p == low _src = construct_tmp_dst_sig_for_slice(s, indexes, src, not can_directly_replace_with_src_expr) new_parts.append(_src) assert index_key not in new_parts_dict, (s, index_key) new_parts_dict[index_key] = _src, can_directly_replace_with_src_expr split_i += 1 else: # list of part keys for later search _split_parts = [] prev_sp = split_point[this_start_split_p_i] dst_offset = low assert not can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, (indexes, src) # continue instanciating parts until we reach the end of this part for sp_i, sp in zip(range(this_start_split_p_i + 1, len(split_point)), islice(split_point, this_start_split_p_i + 1, None)): # need to generate sub slice # because this slice has actually multiple individualy driven parts # we need to generate all slice parts because there could be a case where only some sub parts are # driven elsewhere and we would othervise resolve those segments as a constantly driven # but they are in fact driven from this slice if sp > high: break part_key = ((sp, prev_sp),) if sp_i <= split_i: # check if the slice is not driven from some top level constant assignment # which would result is multiple drivers of this slice assert src is None existing_part, _can_directly_replace_with_src_expr = new_parts_dict[part_key] assert not _can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, (s, low, high, existing_part) assert not can_directly_replace_with_src_expr, (s, low, high, existing_part) assert isinstance(existing_part, RtlSignal), (s, low, high, existing_part) else: assert sp_i == split_i + 1, (s, sp_i, split_i) # get actual input signal if src is None: _src = None else: _src = src[sp - dst_offset:prev_sp - dst_offset] part_indexes = (SLICE.from_py(slice(sp, prev_sp, -1)),) _src = construct_tmp_dst_sig_for_slice(s, part_indexes, _src, True) new_parts.append(_src) new_parts_dict[part_key] = _src, can_directly_replace_with_src_expr split_i += 1 _split_parts.append(part_key) prev_sp = sp new_parts_dict[index_key] = _split_parts, False end = max(end, high) if end < split_point[-1]: # something unconnected at the end high, low = split_point[-1], end part_indexes = (SLICE.from_py(slice(high, low , -1)),) _src = construct_tmp_dst_sig_for_slice(s, part_indexes, None, isinstance(s._nop_val, RtlSignal)) new_parts.append(_src) index_key = ((high, low),) new_parts_dict[index_key] = _src, True # construct assignment of concatenation from all parts assert new_parts, (s, parts) s(Concat(*reversed(new_parts))) final_signal_parts[s] = new_parts_dict return final_signal_parts
[docs] @classmethod def extract_part_drivers_stm(cls, stm: HdlStatement, signal_parts: Dict[RtlSignal, List[Tuple[RtlSignal, List[HValue]]]] ) -> bool: """ :return: True if statement was modified """ if isinstance(stm, HdlAssignmentContainer): dst = stm.dst parts = signal_parts.get(dst, None) if parts is None: return False if stm.indexes and len(stm.indexes) == 1: indexes = _format_indexes(stm.indexes) new_dsts, do_remove_stm = parts[indexes] else: # collect only parts which do not have sub parts (are primitive parts) new_dsts = [] for k, d in parts.items(): if not isinstance(d, list): new_dsts.append(k) new_dsts.sort() do_remove_stm = False if isinstance(new_dsts, list): if stm.parentStm is None: return False assert len(new_dsts) > 1, (dst, new_dsts, stm) # assert not do_remove_stm, (dst, new_dsts, stm) # the driven slice was split to multiple sub slices replacement = [] dst_offset = new_dsts[0][-1][1] for i in new_dsts: new_dst = parts[i][0] new_src = stm.src for _i in i: high, low = _i[0] - dst_offset, _i[1] - dst_offset assert high > 0 and low >= 0, dst_offset assert high > low, (dst, stm, (high, low)) new_src = new_src[high:low] a = new_dst(new_src) replacement.append(a) # it has to have parent statement because it needs to be nested # because otherwise it would not have some overlapping parts driven diferently # under some condition stm.parentStm._replace_child_statement(stm, replacement, False) if do_remove_stm: stm._destroy() elif do_remove_stm: # remove current assignment because we are using src directly # assert stm.parentStm is None, (stm, stm.parentStm) stm._destroy() else: # rewrite the HdlAssignmentContainer instance to use new dst replacement = [new_dsts(stm.src), ] stm.parentStm._replace_child_statement(stm, replacement, False) return True elif isinstance(stm, (IfContainer, SwitchContainer, HdlStmCodeBlockContainer)): modified = False for _stm in stm._iter_stms(): modified |= cls.extract_part_drivers_stm(_stm, signal_parts) if modified: assert not stm._enclosed_for, "_enclosed_for is expected not to be initialized yet" outputs = stm._outputs inputs = stm._inputs stm._outputs = UniqList() stm._inputs = UniqList() stm._collect_io() if stm.parentStm is None: for o in outputs: if o not in stm._outputs: o.drivers.remove(stm) for i in inputs: if i not in stm._inputs: i.endpoints.remove(stm) return True else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown statement ", stm) return False
[docs] def apply(self, netlist: "RtlNetlist"): signal_parts = self._collect_indexes_on_variables(netlist.statements) if not signal_parts: return final_signal_parts = self.resolve_final_parts_from_splitpoints_and_parts(signal_parts) for stm in sorted(netlist.statements, key=HdlStatement_sort_key): self.extract_part_drivers_stm(stm, final_signal_parts)
[docs]@internal def extract_part_drivers(netlist: "RtlNetlist"): RtlNetlistPassExtractPartDrivers().apply(netlist)