Source code for hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.remove_unconnected_signals

from collections import deque

from hwt.doc_markers import internal
from hwt.hdl.operator import Operator
from hwt.hdl.portItem import HdlPortItem
from hwt.hdl.statements.assignmentContainer import HdlAssignmentContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.codeBlockContainer import HdlStmCodeBlockContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.ifContainter import IfContainer
from hwt.hdl.statements.statement import HdlStatement
from hwt.hdl.statements.switchContainer import SwitchContainer
from hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.interfaceUtils.utils import walkPhysInterfaces
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlSignalBase
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal
from ipCorePackager.constants import DIRECTION

[docs]@internal def walkInputsForSpecificOutput(output_sig: RtlSignalBase, stm: HdlStatement): if output_sig not in stm._outputs: return elif isinstance(stm, HdlAssignmentContainer): assert stm.dst is output_sig yield from stm._inputs return elif isinstance(stm, IfContainer): yield stm.cond for c, _ in stm.elIfs: yield c elif isinstance(stm, SwitchContainer): yield stm.switchOn elif isinstance(stm, HdlStmCodeBlockContainer): pass else: raise NotImplementedError(stm) for _stm in stm._iter_stms_for_output(output_sig): yield from walkInputsForSpecificOutput(output_sig, _stm)
[docs]@internal def removeUnconnectedSignals(netlist: "RtlNetlist"): """ Remove signal if does not affect output :attention: does not remove signals in cycles which does not affect outputs """ # walk circuit from outputs to inputs and collect seen signals toSearch = deque(s for s, d in netlist.interfaces.items() if d != DIRECTION.IN) seen = set(toSearch) for c in netlist.subUnits: for sig in walkPhysInterfaces(c): s = sig._sig assert s is not None, (netlist.parent, sig, "broken Interface instance") assert s.ctx is netlist, (netlist.parent, s, "must be in the same netlist") toSearch.append(s) while toSearch: sig = toSearch.popleft() for e in sig.drivers: if isinstance(e, Operator): inputs = e.operands elif isinstance(e, HdlPortItem): # we are already added inputs of all components continue else: assert e in netlist.statements, ("Statement must be registered in the netlist", e) inputs = walkInputsForSpecificOutput(sig, e) for i in inputs: if isinstance(i, RtlSignalBase) and i not in seen: assert i.ctx is netlist, (netlist.parent, e, "all inputs must be in the same netlist", i) seen.add(i) toSearch.append(i) nv = sig._nop_val if isinstance(nv, RtlSignalBase): if nv not in seen: assert nv.ctx is netlist, nv seen.add(nv) toSearch.append(nv) # add all io because it can not be removed seen.update(s for s, d in netlist.interfaces.items() if d == DIRECTION.IN) for c in netlist.subUnits: for sig in walkPhysInterfaces(c): s = sig._sig assert s is not None, (netlist.parent, sig, "broken Interface instance after initial scan") assert s.ctx is netlist, (netlist.parent, s, "must be in the same netlist") seen.add(s) # remove signals which were not seen for sig in netlist.signals: sig: RtlSignal if sig in seen: # if it was seen it was used and it should not be removed continue assert sig.ctx is netlist, (netlist.parent, sig, "must be in the same netlist") for e in tuple(sig.drivers): # drivers of this signal are useless rm them if isinstance(e, Operator): removed_e = e elif isinstance(e, HdlPortItem): raise NotImplementedError(sig) else: removed_e = e._cut_off_drivers_of(sig) if removed_e is not None: # must not destroy before processing inputs removed_e._destroy() intf = getattr(sig, "_interface", None) if intf: if intf._sig is sig: intf._sig = None else: assert intf._sigInside is None or intf._sigInside is sig, (intf, intf._sigInside, sig) intf._sigInside = None netlist.signals = seen