Source code for hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSyncSignal

from hwt.hdl.operator import Operator
from hwt.hdl.operatorDefs import AllOps
from hwt.hdl.statements.ifContainter import IfContainer
from hwt.hdl.types.hdlType import HdlType
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.constants import NOT_SPECIFIED
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases import RtlMemoryBase
from hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal import RtlSignal

[docs]class RtlSyncSignal(RtlMemoryBase, RtlSignal): """ Syntax sugar, every write is made to next signal, "next" is assigned to main signal on every clock rising edge """
[docs] def __init__(self, ctx: 'RtlNetlist', name: str, var_type: HdlType, def_val=None, nop_val=NOT_SPECIFIED): """ :param ~.ctx: context in which is sig. created (instance of RtlNetlist) :param suggested name :param ~.var_type: type of signal :param ~.def_val: default value for signal (used as def. val in hdl and for reset) """ super().__init__(ctx, name, var_type, def_val) if nop_val is NOT_SPECIFIED: nop_val = self = RtlSignal(ctx, name + "_next", var_type, nop_val=nop_val)
[docs] def _getDestinationSignalForAssignmentToThis(self): """ :see: :func:` hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal.RtlSignal` """ return
[docs] def _getAssociatedClk(self): d = self.singleDriver() assert isinstance(d, IfContainer), d cond = d.cond.singleDriver() assert isinstance(cond, Operator) and cond.operator is AllOps.RISING_EDGE, cond return cond.operands[0]
[docs] def _getAssociatedRst(self): d = self.singleDriver() assert isinstance(d, IfContainer), d cond = d.cond.singleDriver() assert isinstance(cond, Operator) and cond.operator is AllOps.RISING_EDGE, cond assert len(d.ifTrue) == 1 reset_if = d.ifTrue[0] return reset_if.cond