hwt.synthesizer package

Sythesizer converts hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit instances to HDL objects.

hwt.synthesizer.utils.to_rtl() function is one of examples how to use this module. The conversion of hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit instances happens mainly in hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit._to_rtl() which calls other optmisation and transformations stored in :hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit._target_platform.


hwt.synthesizer.byteOrder module


Reverse byteorder (littleendian/bigendian) of signal or value

hwt.synthesizer.componentPath module

class hwt.synthesizer.componentPath.ComponentPath[source]

Bases: tuple

Returns:True if path starts with a top component else False
resolve() → hwt.synthesizer.componentPath.ComponentPath[source]

Make the path absolute

The ComponentPath is in absolute format only if:

  • The first member is a top component or path is empty
  • All members except the last are hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit instances (last can be RtlSignal/Interface)
  • Each successor member is instantiated in predecessor except for hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit instance with shared component
  • If member is a hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit instance with shared component the successor must be an interface of this instance or an object from shared component
update_prefix(old_path_prefix: hwt.synthesizer.componentPath.ComponentPath, new_path_prefix: hwt.synthesizer.componentPath.ComponentPath)[source]

Update prefix of the path tuple


hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform module

class hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform.DummyPlatform[source]

Bases: object

Dummy synthesis platform, base class of all chip and toolset specific platforms. Plaform in this context is a set of configurations which do describe the target toolset and chip/node. It can also contains pre/post processing callbacks and optimizations required for this target.

Note:all processors has to be callable with only one parameter which is actual Unit/RtlNetlist instance

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

hwt.synthesizer.exceptions module

exception hwt.synthesizer.exceptions.ConfErr[source]

Bases: Exception

exception hwt.synthesizer.exceptions.InterfaceStructureErr(dst: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase, src: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase, exclude: Set[hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase])[source]

Bases: hwt.synthesizer.exceptions.IntfLvlConfErr

An exception which means that the two interfaces have non compatible sub-interfaces. (E.g. they do have a differently named signals)

Variables:exclude – a set of sub-interfaces which should be excluded during the comparison
__init__(dst: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase, src: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase, exclude: Set[hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase])[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

exception hwt.synthesizer.exceptions.IntfLvlConfErr[source]

Bases: hwt.synthesizer.exceptions.ConfErr

Interface level synthesizer user configuration error

exception hwt.synthesizer.exceptions.SigLvlConfErr[source]

Bases: hwt.synthesizer.exceptions.ConfErr

Signal level synthesizer user configuration error

exception hwt.synthesizer.exceptions.TypeConversionErr[source]

Bases: TypeError

hwt.synthesizer.hObjList module

class hwt.synthesizer.hObjList.HObjList(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: list, typing.Generic

Regular list with some interface/unit methods delegated on items.

Main purpose of this class it let hwt.synthesizer.PropDeclrCollector.PropDeclrCollector know that this is not an regular python array and that items should be registered as HW objects.

  • _name – name of the property on parent
  • _parent – parent Unit/Interface object

this object may be nested in HObjList instances but the parent and name will always corresponds to a Unit/Interface object, if there is any


hwt.synthesizer.PropDeclrCollector.PropDeclrCollector is used by hwt.synthesizer.interface.Interface and hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit

__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

_getFullName() → str[source]

get all name hierarchy separated by ‘.’


Get name in HDL

_m() → hwt.synthesizer.hObjList.HObjList[source]
_make_association(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Delegate _make_association on items

Note:doc in _make_association()
_on_append(self_obj: hwt.synthesizer.hObjList.HObjList, item: T, index: int)[source]
_updateParamsFrom(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Note:doc in _updateParamsFrom()
append(item: T)[source]

Append object to the end of the list.

clear(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove all items from list.

extend(iterable: Iterable[T])[source]

Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

insert(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Insert object before index.

pop(*args, **kwargs) → T[source]

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

remove(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Remove first occurrence of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

reverse(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Reverse IN PLACE.

sort(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Sort the list in ascending order and return None.

The sort is in-place (i.e. the list itself is modified) and stable (i.e. the order of two equal elements is maintained).

If a key function is given, apply it once to each list item and sort them, ascending or descending, according to their function values.

The reverse flag can be set to sort in descending order.

hwt.synthesizer.interface module

class hwt.synthesizer.interface.Interface(masterDir=<DIRECTION.OUT: 1>, hdl_name: Union[str, Dict[str, str], None] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

Bases: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase, hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.interfaceUtils.implDependent.InterfaceceImplDependentFns, hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.propDeclrCollector.PropDeclrCollector, hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.interfaceUtils.directionFns.InterfaceDirectionFns

Base class for all interfaces in interface synthesizer

  • _NAME_SEPARATOR – separator for nested interface names
  • _params – [] of parameter
  • _interfaces – [] sub interfaces
  • _name – name assigned during synthesis
  • _parent – parent object (Unit or Interface instance)
  • _isExtern – If true synthesizer sets it as external port of unit
  • _associatedClk – clock Signal (interface) associated with this interface if is none simulation agent try to search it on parent
  • _associatedRst – rst(_n) Signal (interface) associated with this interface if is none simulation agent try to search it on parent
  • _boundedSigLvlUnit – RTL unit for which was this interface created

only interfaces without _interfaces have

Agenda of directions and HDL

  • _masterDir – specifies which direction has this interface at master
  • _direction – means actual direction of this interface resolved by its drivers
  • _ctx – RTL netlist context of all signals and params on this interface after interface is registered on parent _ctx is merged
  • _hdl_port – a HdlPortItem instance available once the unit is synthesized

Agenda of simulations

Variables:_ag – agent object connected to this interface (initialized only before simulation)
__init__(masterDir=<DIRECTION.OUT: 1>, hdl_name: Union[str, Dict[str, str], None] = None, loadConfig=True)[source]

This constructor is called when constructing new interface, it is usually done manually while creating hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit or automatically while extracting interfaces from UnitWithSoure

  • masterDir – direction which this interface should have for master
  • multiplyedBy – this can be instance of integer or Param, this mean the interface is array of the interfaces where multiplyedBy is the size
  • loadConfig – do load config in __init__
_bit_length() → int[source]

Sum of all width of interfaces in this interface


Remove all signals from this interface (used after unit is synthesized and its parent is connecting its interface to this unit)

_connectTo(master, exclude=None, fit=False) → List[hwt.hdl.statements.assignmentContainer.HdlAssignmentContainer][source]

connect to another interface interface (on RTL level) works like self <= master in VHDL

_connectToIter(master, exclude, fit) → Generator[hwt.hdl.statements.assignmentContainer.HdlAssignmentContainer, None, None][source]
_getFullName() → str[source]

get all name hierarchy separated by ‘.’

_getHdlName() → str[source]

Get name in HDL


load declarations from _declr method This function is called first for parent and then for children


Note that this interface will be master

_signalsForInterface(ctx: hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.netlist.RtlNetlist, res: Optional[Dict[hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.rtlSignal.RtlSignal, ipCorePackager.constants.DIRECTION]], name_scope: Optional[hdlConvertorAst.translate.common.name_scope.NameScope], prefix='', typeTransform=None, reverse_dir=False)[source]

Generate RtlSignal _sig and HdlPortInstance _hdl_port for each interface which has no subinterface


if already has _sig return use it instead

  • ctx – instance of RtlNetlist where signals should be created
  • res – output dictionary where result should be stored
  • prefix – name prefix for created signals
  • name_scope – name scope used to check collisions on port names if this a current top (every component is checked when it is seen first time)
  • typeTransform – optional function (type) returns modified type for signal
_updateParamsFrom(otherObj, updater=<function _default_param_updater>, exclude=None, prefix='')[source]
Note:doc in _updateParamsFrom()
hwt.synthesizer.interface._default_param_updater(self, myP, parentPval)[source]

hwt.synthesizer.param module

class hwt.synthesizer.param.Param(initval)[source]

Bases: object

Class used to mark object as a configuration of HDL module. ( The parameter instance will not appear on hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit instance, instead the value will appear. The parameter instance will be stored in ._params property of Unit/Interface object)

  • _initval – value of the parameter which should be used for intialization
  • _name – name of parameter on parent Unit/Interface instance
  • _parent – parent object instance

the actual value is then store on parent object instance


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


hwt.synthesizer.typePath module

class hwt.synthesizer.typePath.TypePath[source]

Bases: tuple

A path in hierarchy of structuralized type

hwt.synthesizer.unit module

class hwt.synthesizer.unit.HdlConstraintList[source]

Bases: list

Containers of hw design constraints

class hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Bases: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.propDeclrCollector.PropDeclrCollector, hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.unitImplHelpers.UnitImplHelpers

Container of the netlist with interfaces and internal hierarchical structure

  • _serializeDecision – function to decide if HDL object derived from this unit should be serialized or not, if None all is always serialized
  • _PROTECTED_NAMES – set of names which can not be overridden
  • _interfaces – all public interfaces
  • _private_interfaces – all internal interfaces which are not accessible from outside of unit
  • _units – all units defined on this object
  • _params – all params defined on this object
  • _constraints – additional HW specifications
  • _parent – parent object
  • _lazy_loaded – container of RTL object which were lazy loaded in implementation phase (this object has to be returned from _to_rtl() of parent before it it’s own objects)
  • _shared_component_with – Optional tuple of the other hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit instance which produces an exactly same component in HDL and interface signal map current to shared and shared to current
  • _target_platform – meta-informations about target platform
  • _name – a name of this component
  • _hdl_module_name – a name of HDL module for this component (vhdl entity name, Verilog module name)

if _shared_component_with() is not None the body of this instance is not generated at all and the component from _shared_component_with() is used instead

_PROTECTED_NAMES = {'_PROTECTED_NAMES', '_constraints', '_ctx', '_hdl_module_name', '_interfaces', '_lazy_loaded', '_name', '_params', '_parent', '_private_interfaces', '_shared_component_with', '_store_manager', '_target_platform', '_units'}
__init__(hdl_name_override: Optional[str] = None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

_getDefaultName() → str[source]
_get_hdl_doc() → Optional[str][source]

Load all declarations from _decl() method, recursively for all interfaces/units.

_loadInterface(i, isExtern)[source]
_registerIntfInImpl(iName, intf)[source]

Register interface in implementation phase

_serializeDecision = None
_to_rtl(target_platform: hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform.DummyPlatform, store_manager: StoreManager, add_param_asserts=True)[source]

synthesize all subunits, make connections between them, build verilog like module/vhdl like entity and architecture for this unit

_updateParamsFrom(otherObj: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.propDeclrCollector.PropDeclrCollector, updater=<function _default_param_updater>, exclude: Optional[Tuple[Set[str], Set[str]]] = None, prefix='')[source]
Note:doc in hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.propDeclCollector._updateParamsFrom()
hwt.synthesizer.unit._shared_comp_build_interface_map_list(replacement: List[hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase], substituted: List[hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase], res: Dict[hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase, hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase])[source]
hwt.synthesizer.unit.copy_HdlModuleDec(orig_u: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit, new_u: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit)[source]
hwt.synthesizer.unit.copy_HdlModuleDec_interface(orig_i: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase, new_i: hwt.synthesizer.interfaceLevel.mainBases.InterfaceBase, ports: List[hwt.hdl.portItem.HdlPortItem], new_u: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit)[source]
hwt.synthesizer.unit.shared_comp_build_interface_map(replacement_u: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit, substituted_u: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit)[source]

Build a dictionary which maps interface of replacement_u to interface of substituted_u

hwt.synthesizer.utils module

hwt.synthesizer.utils._Unit_constraints_copy_recursively(u: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit, path_orig: hwt.synthesizer.componentPath.ComponentPath, path_new: hwt.synthesizer.componentPath.ComponentPath)[source]
hwt.synthesizer.utils.serializeAsIpcore(unit, folderName='.', name=None, serializer_cls=<class 'hwt.serializer.vhdl.Vhdl2008Serializer'>, target_platform=<hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform.DummyPlatform object>)[source]

Create an IPCore package

hwt.synthesizer.utils.synthesised(u: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit, target_platform=<hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform.DummyPlatform object>)[source]

Elaborate design without producing any HDL

hwt.synthesizer.utils.to_rtl(unit_or_cls: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit, store_manager: hwt.serializer.store_manager.StoreManager, name: str = None, target_platform=<hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform.DummyPlatform object>)[source]

Convert unit to RTL using specified serializer

  • unitOrCls – unit instance or class, which should be converted
  • name – name override of top unit (if is None name is derived form class name)
  • target_platform – meta-informations about target platform, distributed on every unit under _target_platform attribute before Unit._impl() is called
hwt.synthesizer.utils.to_rtl_str(unit_or_cls: hwt.synthesizer.unit.Unit, serializer_cls=<class 'hwt.serializer.vhdl.Vhdl2008Serializer'>, name: str = None, target_platform=<hwt.synthesizer.dummyPlatform.DummyPlatform object>)[source]

Generate HDL string and return it

hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils module

class hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils.BitWalker(sigOrVal: Union[hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases.RtlSignalBase, hwt.hdl.value.HValue], skipPadding: bool = True, fillup: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Walker which can walk chunks of bits on signals/values of all types

  • sigOrVal – signal or value to iterate over
  • fillup – flag that means that if there is not enough bits for last item fill it up with invalid bits (otherwise raise)
__init__(sigOrVal: Union[hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases.RtlSignalBase, hwt.hdl.value.HValue], skipPadding: bool = True, fillup: bool = False)[source]
Parameters:skipPadding – if true padding is skipped in dense types
_get(numberOfBits: int, doCollect: bool)[source]
  • numberOfBits – number of bits to get from actual position
  • doCollect – if False output is not collected just iterator moves in data structure

Assert there is nothing left in this iterator

get(numberOfBits: int) → Union[hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases.RtlSignalBase, hwt.hdl.value.HValue][source]
Parameters:numberOfBits – number of bits to get from actual position
Returns:chunk of bits of specified size (instance of Value or RtlSignal)
skip(numberOfBits: int) → None[source]

Move this iterator without care about item

Parameters:numberOfBits – number of bits to get from actual position
exception hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils.BitWidthErr[source]

Bases: Exception

Wrong bit width of signal/value

exception hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils.NotEnoughtBitsErr[source]

Bases: Exception

More bits is required for such an operation

hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils.fitTo(what: Union[hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases.RtlSignalBase, hwt.hdl.value.HValue], where: Union[hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases.RtlSignalBase, hwt.hdl.value.HValue], extend: bool = True, shrink: bool = True)[source]
hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils.fitTo_t(what: Union[hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases.RtlSignalBase, hwt.hdl.value.HValue], where_t: hwt.hdl.types.bits.Bits, extend: bool = True, shrink: bool = True)[source]

Slice signal “what” to fit in “where” or arithmetically (for signed by MSB / unsigned, vector with 0) extend “what” to same width as “where”

little-endian impl.

  • extend – allow increasing of the signal width
  • shrink – allow shrinking of the signal width
hwt.synthesizer.vectorUtils.iterBits(sigOrVal: Union[hwt.synthesizer.rtlLevel.mainBases.RtlSignalBase, hwt.hdl.value.HValue], bitsInOne: int = 1, skipPadding: bool = True, fillup: bool = False)[source]

Iterate over bits in vector

  • sigOrVal – signal or value to iterate over
  • bitsInOne – number of bits in one part
  • skipPadding – if true padding is skipped in dense types
  • fillup – flag that means that if there is not enough bits for last item fill it up with invalid bits (otherwise raise)